My MIL pisses me off


Well-Known Member
Oct 5, 2011
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im so peed off right now its unreal, she thinks as she had had 3 kids herself she knows best not me, but he is my 3rd so i think i know haw to look afer babys by now!!

anyhow alfie is quite stubborn with feeds he likes to drink the whole bottle then get winded and it doesnt matter how many times i have told her this she doesnt listen, he takes 5oz she winded him 3 times out 2oz he drank which totaled 30 mins (were normally done and dusted by then) she kept saying arr he got wind and is hard work for like no ur fucking peeing him off, he got quite lazy and sleepy as if to say fuck it you aint gona give me what i need so im gonna sleep..the whole time im thinking just give him the god damn bottle n let him drink it!! also why feeding him she is like taking it out his mouth and talking to him it so pisses me off and it doesnt matter what i say she never listens

sorry for the rant but cant help it xx
My little one is like this too, and everyone wants to wind him between. I tell them and if they don't listen then I won't waste my breath. Older people are stuck in their own ways-they will never change.
My little one is like this too, and everyone wants to wind him between. I tell them and if they don't listen then I won't waste my breath. Older people are stuck in their own ways-they will never change.

it winds me up more, knowing he didnt take his whole bottle in the end x
My MIL never feeds Bertie, purely for the fact that every time he sees her he closes his eyes and pretends to sleep lol. It's my mum that interferes. I don't like others feeding him cos he stops breathing, round mums one day I sat him up to wind, patted his back about four times and mum huffed and went "do you want me to do it?".....erm no!
My MIL never feeds Bertie, purely for the fact that every time he sees her he closes his eyes and pretends to sleep lol. It's my mum that interferes. I don't like others feeding him cos he stops breathing, round mums one day I sat him up to wind, patted his back about four times and mum huffed and went "do you want me to do it?".....erm no!

my own mom is great she says now how does he like his bottle, and how do you want me to wind him :)

MIL nver listens full stop, she cant even wind properly anyway as she dont support his head properly she holds him by the arm and he flops forward :wall2:but she spoilt our routine last night in the end as he didnt take his full bottele which ment he was screaming like a trooper to be fed at 6 instead of 7.30 then he conked out and woke at 1 then 4.30 and he usally sleeps through til 3-4 so im knackered today :( xxx

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