my man aint no man at all


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2011
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I already have two boys with him aged 4 and 7 I am having painful contractions I have two kids thats want everything and he won't come home from work to help me or nothing he said he needs the money I mean wud ur man do that. I hate him so much right now
Awww, that sucks, when you are in pain like that and so close to having your baby, he should be with you, hugzzzzzzzzzz
my daughters dad was a bit like that, pissed him off when she was 7 months lol, never looked back since haha

men they are a pain,i just dont rely on them now
I just seen your staus hunny :hugs: I demand him to come home x x

i know money is important but money can wait under these circumstances!! order him home xx
Hope he gets his backside home soon! A few extra quid won't make much difference!
Firstly congrats on the contractions hon not long to go for you now :hug: but seriously your man needs to get his arse into gear and get home, you shouldn't be dealing with labour on your own, what if you need to get to hospital etc, demand he comes home hon xxx
yeh good luck with that hun, my man better be there when i start otherwise theres gonna be trouble!
yeah kick his ass when he gets there he should be with you right now. ive told my oh he better take the week off round my due date and if leandros late he still has to be there x
Hope you give him a battering between contractions for being an eejit x
big hugs hunni hope things r progressing for u nicely now and give oh a good old beating !!! thats just not on !! xx
Hope things are finally moving for u now and you've kicked OHs ass into gear!
Best thing I done get rid of mum is much more reliable lol MEN are backwards I tell ya my babys father when we were still together thought he could just meet me after I'd given birth I explained It wasn't like goin for a coffee or picking the baby up out of the counter at Starbucks morone lol xx
I'd start sharpening your fingernails and when a proper contraction comes along ask to hold his hand...
He really isn't a man, big hugs xx
My husband would do anything to get out of work :lol: but then he's a soldier & if it means getting out the office he will do so!

I Know money is important, but your well being is much more important than £ signs right now!

(big hug) xxx
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im lucky my man would be home in a shot if i went into labour if he was at work, if i called him back from golf might be a different story lol x

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