My Little Prince Charlie


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Nov 21, 2010
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I Cant Believe It, I'm a MUMMY Again! :cloud9:

Words cant describe how happy i am, everything is just perfect! I have my little (big) girl and little boy :dance:

Monday 15th August 2011
Charlie arrived on his due date :) at 6.45am weighing 6lb 7oz

He is now 2 weeks and 5 days old :) and is such a good and happy baby, im very lucky, he got weighed at 5days, 11days and 16days.

5 days = 6lb 7oz
11 days = 6lb 14oz
16 days = 7lb 5oz

We had to go up to hospital on thursday (17 days old) as Health visitor said charlie had jaundice and needed to have a jaundice screening, so off i go to the hospital for the people to tell me he doesnt even look jaundice, but they decided to do the test anyway just to be on the safe side, i get the results on wednesday!

He is feeding well (4oz bottles) and love how he has a little routine already, wakes up at the same time every night litrally to the minuite, and goes straight back to sleep, apart from last night he only woke up at 4.30am and then i had to wake him up at 9am, i was a very happy mummy :)

Im so in love with him, i cant even describe it, (all you mummy know that feeling) i just sit and stare and get all emotional i just love him so much..:love::love:




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He sounds like a wee angel!!

Thats great he's in a routine all ready.

Do you have any pics?

I do, im in the middle of uploading them on to my new laptop and will put them on here asap! :) xx
Awww jst seen the wee pic on your sig, he looks soooo cute

How is Brooke getting on with her wee brother??

She absolutely adores him! :) she is like a mini-mummy xx
He is so cute Kel, adorable little man! And he is doing so well after all those growth scans you had to have. Brooke is finding her own routine too; she had her last feed at 12.30am last night and didn't wake until 5am :yay: I was also a very happy Mummy! x
We took you to watch Daddy's football match Sunday, you were such a good boy, and you had lots of fans! daddy was showing you off to all his team, he cant wait to buy you your 1st pair of football boots and get you in training! :)
You had lots of cuddles with your big sister today, you was a good boy again last night only waking up once at 5.30AM!!! mummy is so pleased with you! :) daddy is off his night shift now, so you can have cuddles with daddy before bed tonight!

wow only one wake up during the night.

Thats excellent!!!

What time did he go down at?

Thats absolutely amazing!! I bet it makes the day go a bit easier!!

Long may it continue!!

Yesterday we went back to the hospital for your jaundice results, and as expected you got the all clear! :) im really hoping that the last time i see that place for a very long time, i've been up there to often this past couple of months!

Im excited and scared at the moment, your big sister is starting school on monday and i dont want her to.. :( she is growing up tooooo quickly! but at the same time im excited that it will just be me and you having lots of cuddles :)

You are starting to lose your hair, all the top of your head is bald! looks really funny! your like a little old man! :)


Glad the results were ok!

Its sooo horrible when they start school isn't it. Its like they're officially growing up. I went into a bit of a depression when mine started P1 2 years was horrible. One of the reasons we decided to ttc.

How's Charlie's sleeping been?

Well i got Charlie weighed at the clinic today, doesn't seem 5mins since i was taking Brooke there, he is one month old today and weighs a whopping 9lb 6.5oz such a little piggy! love a little chunky baby! :)
Well Charlie is offically registered!! Finally...

Nothing really new to update apart from im loving all the smiles im getting now! Such a cutie!
have also discovered that Charlie will sleep for hours if i put him on his tummy, but i dont dare do it at night, he can hold his head really well, but id still panic i think...




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Your Hair is starting to grow back, YAY!! instead of complete baldness, we now have a layer of fuzz.. :) xx

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