my little girl has finally arrived !!!!!!!


Mar 5, 2005
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Hi ladies just to let you all know that my little girl arrived on the 24th october at 11.08pm and she weighed in at 7lb 8 1/2oz !!!!
Just a bit of advice i had an epidural and honestly it was brilliant i couldn't of wished for a better pain relief. I had gas and air from when i was one centimetre to 3 and all it did for me was knock me out and make me sleepy. The epidural did take my pain away but i could feel tighenings just like braxton hicks so you can still feel the contractions which is nice. The baby did start to get distressed so she had to have a blood test taken from the top of her head which i didn't like the idea of but it had to be done but looking at her you can't even tell that she had it done. I ended up having a forceps delivery which was uncomfortable but not painful. The only problems i had were that she gave me a third degree tear and the placenta wouldn't come away so i had to be taken to theatre to be sorted out. The tear was sore and uncomfortable and still is slightly but it is bearable. I can honestly say that being a mum is the best thing in the world and you couldn't wish for anything more. I wanted to write this post for you all so that you know it isn't all that bad !!!! hope that this is a good account of what it was like and as i know how i felt in the last few months wondering what it was like please feel free to mail me.
I hope you are all having good pregnanices

lucy and baby liberty 1 week old today !!!!!
Congratulations !!! & what a beautiful name

Glad that it went all well for you, and Im definately up for an epidural.

Hope you are enjoying your first few days with your little one

Ragna xxxx

So good to hear all the birth stories as we get a better idea what might happen to us.

A big well done to you!!!!!!!

What a lovely name too! :D :D :D
Congratulations, and thank you for your birth story. It's good to read!

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