My Left booby


Well-Known Member
Apr 17, 2008
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...does not seem to produce as much milk as my right. Probably because of this, Niamh prefers my right booby. She doesn't seem to latch on to the left very well and often gets really frustrated. Lying down with her on the left is practically impossible (most annoying as thats the side the TV is on in my room! :rotfl: ) as she just fusses and comes off and on all the time.

Has anyone else had a simlar problem and what can I do to make it better? Have been drinking my Mothers Helper tea, which helps a bit but unfortunately makes milk virtually pour out of the right side!
I think bubs will favour one boob over the other - this means she will feed off one for longer hence the supply in both becomes unequal. I had the same problem hun x If your worried pump the left side to build up a better supply.

Kim x x x x
What makes you think you're not getting as much milk from it?

I know some babies that seem to just prefer one side, perhaps it could just be that, and not a supply issue. If you are worried about supply, I think perseverance is the key at this stage as your supply will not have settled yet. If you keep feeding from each boob, they'll get the message they'll need to produce more or less.
Babies do tend to favour one side at some time or other. Try popping baby on left side when sleepy or during the night when they are less likely to fuss. It's not that the left side is not making milk its prob just that as your popping baby on right side more it makes more milk. The only way your going to even this out is by putting baby on the left side and preseverve with the fuss :hug:

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