Struggling to latch on left side


Well-Known Member
May 4, 2010
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Henry is only a day old so I'm very new at this! In recovery after my section, he latched on to my right side. He has feed 6 times since he was born at 10.06 yesterday. Only 2 of these he has managed to feed from the left - and it took us a long time to latch on and he started getting frustrated. I stayed calm and managed to get him on.

Do any of u have any tips for stopping side preference? I don't wanna be a lopsided mummy! Lol!
We had a couple of problems a few times, must admit I can't remember if it was on a certain side or not. When the midwife visited the next day and she had a look and showed me how to hold it with a c shaped hand which helped the shape of it so he could latch on. Can't help more than that I'm afraid! He is gorgeous, well done!

My lo preffered the right side to the left side, so i always offererd him the left boob first. I found he didnt empty as much as the right so would express sometimes from the left while he was feeding from the right iykwim. Have u got any breastfeeding support groups near you? They could help load too.
It could be your hold. I always thought I held Owen the same on both sides but my OH told me different so I fed in front of the mirror and realised that he was lying completely differently. It might be worth a try to see if that helps

Thanks pinky :D

Amy - they have bf support groups each day in my area. Will get DH to take me to one if he doesnt latch. He latched on easily enough about 20 mins ago so hoping it was first day awkwardness.

Catty will give that a go if he struggles again.
You could also try the "rugby ball hold" for LO when on you left - basically his body is curled around your side with your left arm over the top and then cupped under his head - means he is still lying on the same side even though its the other boob - may help. A feeding pillow or any pillows to your left will help support his body weight - this can be a good hold after a section (i used it after mine) cos the baby's weight isnt resting into your lap.
Sounds like you are doing really well though - I couldnt get my LO to latch at all the first day - had to hand express into a syringe and feed him that way inbetween trying to get him to latch so dont be worried it sounds like you are making good progress all ready :)
I have tried that one frankie. It's the only way I can get him to latch but it still takes him a lt longer than on the right xx
First of all, congrats! Haven't had chance to post on your induction thread, but enjoyed checking in whilst bf! Henry kept you waiting! For the first couple of days I kept saying Dylan has a favourite boob but I think it just took me longer to master holding him the other way round!
Lewy favours the right still, when I used to express there was a very different flow between the 2 sides too. Sometimes he latches better than others still. Just keep trying to get him back on again and again. I know ppl say to empty one side before trying the other but I think some babies prefer to switch back and forth a few times each feed. You wont end up lobsided don't worry.
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