My labour experience...


Well-Known Member
May 6, 2014
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So, finally gotten round to telling my story!

On 7th April 2 am, i went to the toilet, then again at 2;15 am. Suddenly I started having the most horrible pains under my bump and I new that my contractions had suddenly started... The problem was having 30 second intense contractions with just 2 and a half minute break. So about 2:25 I ran a bath, the pain was horrendous and the water did not help 2:35 I wake up hubby saying I need to go hospital, i had rang and they told me to come in. The pain was terrible and by 3:15 I reached hospital my contractions were 45 secs with about a minute and a half in between.

I get checked straight away and I'm only 2cm, but to my surprise my waters were not there. I did not feel them go and I wasn't leaking so now I'm classed higher risk... I got it pool briefly whilst waiting for move to different ward, my contractions now only 1 minute apart and I get gas and air.

By 7 I was in new suite, wired up to monitors etc, demanding pain relief - demanding help or anything, my contractions were now right after one another with no break. The midwife was condescending and said your I'm early labour love you have a long way to go. After demanding to be checked the notice I'm actually 8cm and too late for alternative pain relief. Also they now realise it's back to back. They gave me an injection opiate to reduce pain. For the next 4 hours not much happened, i stalled at 9 with anterior lip and she wouldn't turn. Due to my unusual contractions they gave me and epidural and put my on a drip to strengthen / lengthen my contractions.... 6 hours later, i finally made 10 but baby position wrong and they want to do cesarean due to the prolonged second stage but I was determined and they let me try pushing.

20 mins of pushing with some help from suction cup and a cut, baby Ashley Jennifer was placed in my arms. All 8lb8 of Her! I burst into tears.7th April 19:06

Due to blood loss I went to high monitor ward overnight. However once epi wore off it was evident that I'd injured my back so had to stay in a couple more days., came out the afternoon of 10th!
Wow, sounds like one hell of an experience! Well done you :) massive congratulations xx
Wow, that sounds intense!! Huge congrats on your little girl, and well done! Xx
Congratulations! Doesn't sound easy at all, well done!! x
That's sounds like a very similar story to mine, crazy contractions and only 2cm and back to back! I felt your pain lol!

Hope you are enjoying motherhood and have recovered well xxxxxx
Hi guys I also had bavk to back n wow did that make things harder! 4hrs active labour pushing her thru was hard but omg 20min from crowning to shoulders was intense. Learned later was 11.5cm diameter n only had one 1st degree tear...thank you epi-no (perineum stretcher) it sure helped!

Well done pretty pee!

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