My labor story


Well-Known Member
Nov 8, 2011
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I am a bit late (2 weeks 4 days) in writing this but I wanted to share my labor story :)

It started on Saturday 21st, I started getting irregular period type cramps at around 9am, as time went on the cramps got stronger and were happening more regularly. Once things got more painful I got in the bath and stayed there for a good couple of hours whilst OH was fetching me toast and water.

At around 1:30pm the contractions were getting very painful, I couldn't speak through them at all but I wanted to hold off from going to the birthing center for as long as possible...finally around 2pm we decided to make our way to the birthing center, I was dreading the car journey there, it took around 30 minutes and contractions were coming every 2-3 minutes. Being sat down was sooo uncomfortable!

We arrived at the birthing center and got seen by a midwife who discovered I was already fully dilated and ready to go, as my OH went to fetch our bags from the car my waters broke and we made our way to the delivery room. I had planned for a water birth so the midwives started to run the pool but before the pool was even ready and after 10 minutes of pushing our baby boy Jaxon Seth Curtis was born at 3:25pm weighing 8lb3oz

I feel so lucky to have had such a quick labor (6.5 hrs), I was expecting it to be really long as it was my first baby and midwives were so surprised at how quick it was but overall the experience was really positive and would be happy to do it all over again :)

Here's pictures of Jax on day 1 and yesterday where he's 17 days old

Thank you for reading :) xx

What a lovely labour story :) well done mum, enjoy your new bundle!
Wow, congratulations! Sounds like the most perfect labour and little Jax is absolutely beautiful! Thank you for sharing your positive experience- very encouraging! Hope you're enjoying life as a mummy :-) xxxx

He's so cute. That newborn pic is adorable.

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