My hungry baby!


Well-Known Member
Jun 9, 2008
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Hi girlies!

Quick question. Evie is eating about 1 litre of milk a day! But she's having it in 120 ml burrs as she can't seem to get anymore liquid in. When she does try an extra 60ml she then quickly chucks it all back up!

Tge past week I have given her hungry baby for her 11pm feed to see if it can help her sleep a little longer and if it fills her and tbh it's made no difference. She will still wake at 3 or 4 am for 120mls...and then an hour later for another 60-120 mls.

Now it seems to me that she's either having a growth spurt OR tge milk isn't satisfying her hunger. Do you think I should put her on hungry baby formula? Just seems if she drinks more she just chucks it. Her weight gain is steady, seems to have dropped a tad, but is ok.

My HV is rubbish and when I tried to ask her reabkve she was just like... Seems normal! But I can't see how eating at tge following times, a qty is ok:

Past 24 hours:
7am- 120mls
10 am 90 mls
12.30 pm 180 mls (chucked up a good 30 Mls)
3pm- 120 ml
6pm-7 pm 180 (chucked up)
10:30- 11pm- 150 ml hungry baby formula
3:30-4am- 120ml

Help?! What do u do! Scared about putting her completley on hungry baby in case it hurts her kidneys. What if I just do it for all her night feeds?x
I don't know much about hungry baby milk, my OH nephew was on it from 2 weeks old though as he was downing 9oz bottles every 2 hours, then had to be weaned onto baby rice at 9 weeks old as was just so hungry lol.

Maybe you could try her last 2 feeds before bed time on hungry baby and see if that helps cut out the feed during the night, or at least bring it down to 1 feed?
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I would give a little water between feeds sometimes baby is just thirsty and not hungry. when they bring there milk back up it always looks more then wot it is. I really would try stay off the hungry baby food xxxxxx
I agree with giving water, she might be thirsty.
You could give hungry baby ago but if you do make sure you do give water too as a drink, I gave Lacey hungry baby to get her to sleep better but it made her very constipated x.
once you change over i think you need to stick with it as she wont find normal formula will satisfy her anymore. Hungry baby formula does tend to make babies very constipated so you will need to give her extra drinks to help with it. I would wait and see it water between feeds helps first. Its very hard on mums when babies are getting used to feeding routines. I bet you have it cracked in no time xxxxx
Oh no the chuck up Is a lot. I has to roll the end of her bib to catch it and there was a pool of it. The little hungry stuff we have given her doesn't seem to have made her constipated. Still greeted in the morning with a stinky bum! Lol

I always get a bit nervous with giving boiled water, specially cos my HV was a bit like " well she shouldn't need it etc". The times we have tried she hasn't been interested and would rather have milk.

It's so bloody hard to know tge right thing to do!x
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She also seems to chuck up the water from her feed too. Soon after a feed, obviously after her stomach has processed the feed she will puke up loads of clear liquid. I have heard that sometime the body will take the nutrients that it wants and leave the water to sit a which Evie then chucks up. This is what also makes me wonder if her food isn't rich enough.
A little bit of water will be fine, it even says on the cow & gate formula box that water can be given between feeds xxxxxx
some babies just spew more then others as long as she it gaining weight and the health nure is happy with how she is doing i wouldnt worry. she will grow out of it xxxx
Don't worry about the water coming up. Apparently when the milk is in the stomach it splits from milk into the milky bit AND the water!!! Maybe a night will a dummy work?????????? It might be at night she just wants a comfort! Deffo try water, is she hungry when she has the feeds she chucks up??? Or could she be distracted?? Might be she's not actually hungry??? It is hard though to know xx
Yeah we Try the dummy but it doesn't work. She drains a whole bottle of food for the night feeds!
Would appetite that she is actually hungry because before I web go and make a top up I try and distract her with playing, dummy or sleep and she is won't stop crying until she is given some food. We know wen she doesn't want it cos she spits out the bottle...or sticks her Tongue out so it can't go in! Lol
hungry baby is great for little ones who are hungry! It doesn't have any more calories in it, it literally just fills them up quicker (it takes babies a good 10 mins to feel full) so hungry baby just bulks them up more quickly (HV told me this!) xx
my son won't drink more than 150 mls at a push I thought this was bad and he eats at random times, every 2 - 3 hours sometimes longer and he will then only drink 125mls and that is split into two feeds as I have to reheat the feed to get him to drink it as he wont drink cold milk. Its driving my nuts he never feeds properly and nothings wrong according to doctors... burp him after about 50 - 75mls then he screams and fidgets (colic apparently) and then finishes the rest after a good 10-30 min break. think yourself lucky ....
My boy is same as misscrazycookie's son..:) I end up feeding him all day as he likes to take in bits..He is now 7 months and still the same..I thought weaning mite help but he is not interested in food at all..good luck..
My boy is same as misscrazycookie's son..:) I end up feeding him all day as he likes to take in bits..He is now 7 months and still the same..I thought weaning mite help but he is not interested in food at all..good luck..

I thought I was on my own with that one, I have tried some food I know its early by some peoples views but he actually liked the fruit pot I gave him and nearly ate the whole thing but I am trying to leave it for a few weeks its just the night feeds I am struggling with now as I can;t sleep even if baby is lol x

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