My girls name :-)


Well-Known Member
Apr 3, 2012
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I know im getting ahead of myself, not being that far gone yet, let alone not even knowing the sex but me and dp have chosen out name for a little girl and I thought i'd share seeings as your all un biased strangers :lol: (we wont be telling anyone else the name we've chosen till he or she is here)

Firstly my reason for thinking its going to be a girl may sound completely ridiculous but here it is: :oooo:
My two boys birthdays are a couple of weeks apart - one is the end of april and the other is the begining of may. My daughters birthday is the begining of november and this little pickle is due (well should be if my calculations are right) roughly about the end of october lol :lol:

aaaaaanyway the name for a girl we've chosen is Jessica rose.:)

as for a boy, we havent got the foggyest :roll:

My eldest boy is called Morgan Alexander Diego, My daughter is called Chanelle Alycia Denishae, and my youngest is Tristan Jonathan Korey Francis

(as you can tell we had a bit of trouble decided between names, hence the super long names haha)
We've had a girls name picked out for ages and we've not even started making baby number 2 yet ... Jessica Joyce :) So obviously I love your name!! Wowo you babies really do have long names!! :) x
Lovely name - jessica is on our list in case we have twins or for future children. There are so many lovely names out there.X
Thanks! Well my partner chose Jessica and i liked it so i agreed. Im sticking to this name purely because my OH is quite fond of unusual names, so Jessica is fairly normal and sane for him! LOL x Im still very much tempted by all the other really pretty names out there but tbh trying to get my partner to change his mind once its made up is like trying to get blood out of a stone and we're going to have a hard enough job trying to agree on a boys name (seeings as we've used all the names we liked up already! haha) so i'll just stick to it x I've always had a thing for the name Rose too - very quaint! I was thinking on Jessica - Rose rather than Jessica rose but i dont suppose it really matters xx
ok let me just throw this out there - i really like the name autumn too - so not sure whether to have Jessca Rose or Jessica Autumn-Rose. The last name is Lee so not sure if it really sounds right...
ok let me just throw this out there - i really like the name autumn too - so not sure whether to have Jessca Rose or Jessica Autumn-Rose. The last name is Lee so not sure if it really sounds right...

ooooh i love it! xx
yeh ive been saying it to myself and i love it too - dp hates it but tuff titty because he chose the first name lol
Very pretty name , Jessica Rose, yes it has a lovely sound to it, like Autum too
i think I'll go for Jessica Autumn-Rose - i just love the name Autumn :)

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