my friend


Well-Known Member
Dec 17, 2011
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My friend and I started ttc at the same time she as not caught yet but i feel she is avoiding me told her i understand if she needs 2 keep a distance maybe I should not have :( she s blanked me but i didnt want her 2 feel akward
Maybe she just needs some time to accept the situation? Unfortunately there isn't anything you can now do except wait and see what she will do. Maybe try contacting her? Maybe she's just been busy? It's a shame if she turns her back on your friendship when a baby could've brought you closer together as friends. Don't feel bad though, enjoy your pregnancy and your baby hun xxx
sorry to hear you are having difficulties with your friend. She maybe does just need time to adjust to the situation but that didnt mean she had to blank you completely.

A work colleague of mine thought she was pregnant around the same time I was having symptoms ....she isnt pregnant and since then she has become distant with me and has threw herself into organising her wedding (she proposed to her boyfriend on valentines day) but she is less chatty and she never emails me now unless its to do with work but like Maria said dont let it spoil your happy time xx
thnxs guys !!! will not let it spoil my pregnacy
Coming from the other side as well though just to play devils advocate :), when my best friend got pregnant before I did without even trying really, I felt so horrid, I cried for days because I felt it was so unfair, I had been trying for 3 years and she got pregnant without trying or wanting to and then she told me by text.

I avoided her for about 3 weeks I felt like I had to let it sink in and absorb what she had told me, I sent the congratulatory texts back straight away but I couldn't speak to her I felt terribly hurt and as if my heart was breaking, after I had got over the shock and disappointment (selfish I know, but can't help them there feelings) I contacted her and we got really excited about it, sadly she miscarried.

This time when she told me she actually rang me and told me, and it just so happened that I could tell her snap :) so this time we have both been preggers at the same time, she is 4 weeks ahead of me :) but we are looking forwardto spending some good quality maternity leave time together.

Just saying that maybe at the moment she needs a little bit of time, maybe send her a text beginning of next week, just a general one asking if everything is ok?, if you don't ask you won;t get an answer :)

Hope you get things sorted with her xxxxxx

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