my friend has had her baby - 34 weeks


Well-Known Member
Feb 28, 2007
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my friend who is only 34 weeks has given birth to a little girl.

She was at my house on Friday, we went for a coffee and cake and then wandered to my house and she stayed and chatted all day, we talked about braxton hicks and she said she had not had any. I also told her about my hindwaters breaking and she said she was near with her car through the day if I needed to be taken to the hospital.

Anyway, that night she texted me saying that she had braxton hicks for the first time but they were two mins apart and I told her to ring the labour suite, I have them once an hour and only maybe 6 ina day and yes she was in labour.

Her baby is 41B and in special care but ok, she is ok was a urine infection that triggered labour off.

I can't believe she beat me to it, she was due 3rd may, so happy for her and pretty sure bub should be ok.
Aww glad mum and baby are doing well. :hug:
Aww, what a surprise. I am glad she and the baby are ok. It is a shame baby wont be able to go home straight away, but it is amazing how quickly she will be ready to go. My friend had her baby at 33 weeks because of an infection. her son was in SCBU for two weeks and now he is 8 weeks and at home thriving.
Now THAT is spectacular queue jumping :shock:

Hope your friend and her little one are OK and home soon :hug:
Congratulations for your friend :D
hope her and baby can be at home soon
sarah :wave:
"it was a urine infection that triggered labour off" :shock:

ive had a urine infection for about a week..or probably more.
Hope your friend and baby are both fine and baby is home soon xx
wow! glad she ok....

hope mine stays put a little bit longer....


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