My first scan and my mum!


Well-Known Member
Jun 12, 2012
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I have been waiting to receive my scan date for ages now and finally have an appointment in about 2 weeks time. I told my mum thinking she will just be excited, but no...she wants to come along, she said 'so don't I come with you then???' I said 'there is no need really, I'm not sure how many people can come so it will just be husband and I' and then she sounded pretty upset on the phone.

I don't want a party at the scan lol, and I'm already worried and just want to get it over with and make sure baby is all okay in there and I can't be bothered for her to get upset for not coming, and I know husband wouldn't want anyone else there. I should have just said I can only bring one person.

Did any of your mum's come along to the scan?

I should have kept my mouth shut really! lol :wall2: ahhhhhhhh
From what I've read most go on their own with fellas but I'm taking my mum as I'm really close to her and my fellas mum too so she's included. That's my own personal choice, do what's best for you hun. Xxx
Well I guess I am close to my mum, to an extent.

But it's a sort of private thing for me and DH I just want to make sure everything is okay with baby, my mum being there will just put too much pressure and if my mum comes the MIL would get upset she isn't there and I can't be bothered for their over sensitivity lol I know mum is going to be cold with me and God knows how long it will take for her to get over it.

Why can't she just be excited and say oh that's great tell us how it goes..soo frustrating! This is so not what I need.
It's just been me and my boyfriend at the scans. And will just be me and my boyfriend at the birth too... I understand that alot of people are close to there mums and can fully understand why... But me personally... Me and my boyfriend put it there, so we will get it out!
Plus I would double check as my letters clearly stated only to be accompanied by one person and no children.
I know you don't want to upset your mum, but it's really important that you and your OH share this experience how you want to.
My Mum came to my early scan as I didn't want to be on my own and I didn't want OH to take the day off work when we may not have been able to see anything other than a patch of darkness (we were a bit gutted we could see a heartbeat, but hey it was still just a twitching patch of darkness), but from now on it's my OH's ob to be there, it's half his, nobody else's, and anyone else can sulk for all I care. My scan letter does say only one person can accompany you, but I may take my daughter to a later scan and see if she is allowed in for a peek, she will be 14, not really a child, by then.
Just hubby and sod everyone else - they can see the pic of the scan after. :)
It was just me and OH at the scans xx I only took my mum when he coukdnt make a growth scan x

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I had the exact same problem the other day when id booked my 1st private scan. I chose to just let me and OH go, which was the best decision ever. We made the baby, and I wouldnt have wanted to share the moment of seeing our bub for the first time with anyone other than my OH. We'll have a 4d scan laater on in the pregnancy where they let 5 people in with you, mum can come along then. x
My hospital will only allow you one other person, even in the waiting room, so that makes things easier! Could you ask your hospital to maybe tell you that you can't have more than one...?!
Doing a bit of tri hopping.. I would only ever go with my husband. My hospital also request that you only bring one person (and no children!) if possible. Your mum will be fine, just make sure you go straight to her with scan pictures lol
Good luck at your scan :) x
My hospital also says 1 person and if you have to bring under 18s they have to wait in the waiting room and be looked after by an over 18 but they say basically this is a last resort as they'd prefer you to bring just 1 person in the first place. I can sort of see why they say leave children at home as there is A LOT of waiting around in different waiting rooms first for the scans and then another for bloods and mw.

I can also see why you'd only want your OH there, I did too. If id have said yes to her MIL would be put out and then my sis and my nan would prob have said what about us too...nightmare!!
Exactly, would be a family reunion and I only want it to be me and my husband. I think she's okay now, but tbh I don't think the hospital would want more then 1 person, even though it doesn't say on my letter.
Ahh can't wait for the scan hope all goes well so I can worry less.
It's been just me and my husband at our scans so far. My mum did joke that if he was too busy with work she would happily take his place!! But she knows H wouldn't miss a scan for the world and she was happy to see the scan pics afterwards. My hospital letter said one adult for company and No children allowed in the scanning room (but i suppose they could be allowed in the waiting room with an adult).
TBH i'm really close to my mum but i would only ever want my husband by my side for them. It's his baby, not my mum's afterall!!

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