My First appointment booked


Well-Known Member
Mar 31, 2010
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Got a letter this morning from the hospital...midwife appointment on the 27th and then they are sending me for a dating scan??? :) So i will get to see the heartbeat before 12 week?

On the letter it said urine sample and BLOOD TOOK! im terrified of needles...oh what a wimp i am...i dont want needles to stop me enjoying my pregnancy all the way through!!! would you say they hurt?
Ive had many done and at the time always say to got yourself worked up over nothing...then i forget what it felt like and start worrying again.

On the letter it was saying things like..."the health of you and your baby" made me think...omg this is real!

:yay: glad you have got your appointment through hun, its really soon too :) x x

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i personally dont have a problem with having blood taken i know when they take it they are checking that all is well with me and the baby so i guess it doesnt bother me but i wouldnt want to do it for fun lol
i always have to watch them do it though haha i like to know how much blood they are stealing off me lol
I really hate needles too, and I think the midwife realised that, so suggested I lay down for it, cos they do need to take a bit.

I know you (like me!) probably build it up in your head to think it's gonna hurt so much, but it really doesn't.

The dating scan is fab, to see this pretty much perfectly formed baby inside you :)

I got my midwife letter in the post today too :D :D Have to ring up to make an app in my 8th week - they only do Mondays!!

Was excited to read it - haha sad I know!!

my first appt is a home visit, i wish i could have a dating scan!! i dont even know when my scan is yet, gonna be another 4 weeks :-(

im the same with needles... even worse with having blood taken ;-( ive only had blood taken once before and i fainted - i didnt come come round properly for ages either. Sorry to scare you... im sure im just a copmpletye wimp!! lol x
I have my midwifes appointment at 1pm this Thursday. Different NHS trusts offer different scans. I hope I can have a dating scan & I'm also hoping for a nuchal scan. Don't worry about having blood taken, the thought is always worse than the actual short sharp scratch as they say. When you are pregnant it's natural to become a pin cushion! When you know it's for the safety of you & your little one it also makes it so much easier.
Let us know when your scan is due & how you get on with the midwife xxx
yeh i dont get a scan until 12 weeks :-( i even had a tiny bit of spotting last week and they havent sent me for a scan, i just have to wait! x
I have my midwifes appointment at 1pm this Thursday. Different NHS trusts offer different scans. I hope I can have a dating scan & I'm also hoping for a nuchal scan. Don't worry about having blood taken, the thought is always worse than the actual short sharp scratch as they say. When you are pregnant it's natural to become a pin cushion! When you know it's for the safety of you & your little one it also makes it so much easier.
Let us know when your scan is due & how you get on with the midwife xxx

I sure will do hun, if i tell them im worried and had a mc before she maybe hurry it up a bit!
Oh i cant wait to see babys heartbeat...i hope everythings ok.
THEN everything will feel scary real!
I do really think its just the thought of the needle :( my mam said ill get used to them lol.

Thats a bit crappy cherelle! they should of done you one if you had spotting
just think of the blood tests of things that have to be done in order to protect ur baby, i was petrified of needles at the beginning and in the past ive had therapy to help me get over the phobia but nothing worked but this pregnancy has cured me, i just thought of it as if my baby was here now and i had to give some blood because if i didnt there may be a chance that he could get poorly coz i was doing something wrong then i would do it without a shot, think of ur baby and ull get through it no problem xxxx
Oh bless ya I can certainly sympathise with the needle phobia! I always used to faint at blood tests/injections but the last blood test I had I asked to lie down and I was fine. Stayed lying down for about 5 minutes after they'd finished then got up slowly and had no probs so this has given me a little bit of confidence when I have to go for my next one (which will be this Thursday eek!) although still pretty scared!! Also make sure drink/eat something sugary before you go as this decreases the likelihood of you fainting. Doesn't really hurt, although for me it's not the pain so much but more what they're doing! eeee!
Good luck and let us know how it goes! Very exciting too that you've got a dating scan booked, I don't think I'll get my date until after I've seen the midwife :-(
Thanks hun i havent got the date yet...just the date i see the midwife then she will book it :) xxx

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