My experience of medically managed miscarriage


Well-Known Member
Jun 8, 2018
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I just wanted to share my experience as I read a lot of horror stories before having my mmc medically treated. I had tablets inserted at 11.40 at hospital had to lay on a bed for twenty minutes then was able to walk around and then go home. By time I got home I had a belly ache and sore lower back. I really didn’t think it was working at 6pm I felt a pop in the lower of my stomach not painful just strange sensation I went to the toilet and with a small push i passed liquid and the foetus (I was going to the toilet on a bed pain over the toilet as had to collect any tissue for testing as this is my forth miscarriage) half an hour later I passed the sack. I’ve had no pain killers at all and very limited bleeding now everything has passed.
I’m not dismissing anyone else’s stories and I feel that I was lucky (not the situation but no pain) I wanted to put it out there to let others going through the same thing it’s not always bad
I’m sorry to hear of your losses and I hope you get some answers :hug:
Thank you for sharing your story on here, I’m sure it’s a daunting prospect for anyone to consider x
To be fair I’m numb to it at the moment it’s been the worst year having four miscarriages. This was the hardest one yet as we heard a heart beat at 7 weeks went back for another scan on Tuesday and there was no heartbeat. I read so many horror stories when I was researching about different options so just wanted to put mine out there
I think any one having to experience a miscarriage has a pretty awful time. It’s surprising how many people experience it
Hope your doing ok
Hi Lucy, it's good of you to post this to make anyone going through it feel a little better and I'm so sorry you're going through this. I too didn't have a horrendous time with it, but again maybe because we are getting used to it now! I took the tablet two days before the pessary was due and it was never needed as it happened at home the day before I had to go back in. I did have a fair bit of painful cramping etc, pacing up and down but I then got in a hot bath which seemed to make the pain melt away and within an hour I had passed the sac, fetus etc. Not pleasant at all, but bearable and I think so much less invasive.

I hope you get some answers to your tests, it's horrible waiting and not knowing - so much luck to you lady x
Thank you I went back to work today and can safely say it was the worst day back. Someone I work with told me she’s pregnant she weren’t trying wernt really botherd that she was pregnant ain’t with the dad it was like someone ripping my heart out and stamping all over it. I don’t want to be that horrible jealous envious person I’ve become! X
Can anyone help? So i was instructed by EPU to rake a pregnancy tear 3 weeks after my medical managed miscarriage so I’ve done that today and it’s a faint positive what does this mean?
It means there’s still the pregnancy hormone in your system, I went to my gp when I was still getting positives 3 weeks later and she was gonna send off a pee sample to test to see if it was a new pregnancy and if not I would’ve had to have another scan to see if there was anything left over, luckily I got all negatives the day before I was due to hand in my pee sample xx
Thank you I’m going to ring EPU tomorrow to see what they want to do as they said it should be negative by now c
With my first miscarriage I was getting faint positives for nearly 4 weeks after and was scanned twice to confirm that I'd passed everything. They scanned me after my mc and thought they could still see a thickened area so scanned me again two weeks but it was just fluid.

It could be that your hcg levels are taking a while to drop but deffo a good idea to call EPU for advice.

So sorry for your loss hun.

Hi Lucy, if it's only a faint positive it means it's on its way out. I would give it a couple more days maybe and then see. I had the same, got a faint and 3 days later it was stark negative. I think they use 3 weeks as a general marker but it can vary +/- a few days either way x
Thank you I think I panicked earlier thinking it meant there was still tissue or that it was a new pregnancy (I don’t think I’m ready for that)
Thank you I think I panicked earlier thinking it meant there was still tissue or that it was a new pregnancy (I don’t think I’m ready for that)

I don't blame you - it's such a weird time afterwards, the only time in life you are hoping for a negative test! I'm not certain of course I'm only going from personal experience but if it's faint, I would be pretty sure it's just taking its time (unfortunately :roll:) xx
I know I just feel off this week really tired and emotional just not my self I’m putting it down to the hot weather just worried because I got pregnant 3 weeks after the previous miscarriage

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