my doctors are rubbish!


Well-Known Member
Nov 21, 2008
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i have to phone the day i want to go i.e if i wanted to go tomorrow i would have to phone tomorrow. I can never get an appointment so will need to keep phoning every day. I need to get one for after work and these are impossible to get!

what if this goes on for weeks and i dont get to see the doctor until i am like 8 weeks? whens the latest i should be going to get set up with midwife etc??

i could get one during work but that would mean that i would have to tell my boss why i need to go so urgently

arrrggghhh :wall:
When I found out i was pregnant I just took a urine sample into the receptionist who sent it to the hospital lab. 3 days later I rang for the the result and the receptionist booked me in to see the midwife when I was about 8 weeks. I never needed to see the GP. I know all surgerys are different but have they actually said you need an appointment. If not, I would ring and ask.
babynumbertwo said:
I know all surgerys are different but have they actually said you need an appointment. If not, I would ring and ask.
no, I havent phoned yet. will phone in the morning.

need to go in and change my name and address anyhoo

My surgery is like this so what I do is say to them that I've done that now for 3 days and everyday I'm told there's no appointment - they usually give in and sort something out.
Call and ask if you can make an appointment with the midwife - they will probably have protocols about how pregnant you should be, I think it was at least 8 weeks pregnant at my surgery. The GP won't do anything so unless you have questions for the GP you don't need an appointment. At your first meeting with the midwife you will be given piles of leaflets and weighed and I think that is it. She books you for your 12 weeks scan though :) You get the appointment posted to you. Then you don't see her again until about 16 weeks. I had my 16 weeks appointment at 18 weeks and that was when the midwife first used the doppler.
:( That's so frustrating. I have no idea how it works in the UK. Mind you I have no idea how it works here but Ijust went to the families clinic to see the doctor and let her sort it out.

I'd tell the receptionist that you're pregnant and don't know what the next step is. They are bound to have specific protocols for it.

:hug: it's frustrating when it feels like nobody cares but you. but I DO :D :D :dance: :dance:
Hi, as the other girls have said, all surgerys are different. At mine i saw the dr, told her i'd had a positive pregnancy test and she referred me to the hospital. That was it. I will get appointment from hosp to book in and for scan, and will see local midwife at about 16 weeks.

When i was pregnant with my daughter i was really worried that i hadn't seen or heard from hosp or midwife but its normal for you to be ignored until your about 12 weeks.

even though it is so frustrating for you, try not to worry hun. And i'm sure you'll get an appointment soon.

P.s You don't have to tell your boss the reason for your Dr's appointment, just that you have to go.


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