My delivery


Well-Known Member
Dec 3, 2010
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Hi all,

I am like four weeks late with this, but things have been manic ever since the birth.

Well four weeks ago (27th March) I went in to hospital to be induced as baby didn't want to come again. My first girl I was induced with and hoped that this time my baby would come independently, but no she wasn't budging. So I went in on the Wednesday and was given two lots of pessery during the day. Baby wasn't coming. They tried to break my waters over night and they were not able to as my cervix was to thick and unopened; I had been given a sweep by my midwife before hospital, but it had not done anything.

They gave me another sweep in hospital which seemed to get things shifting, and I lost some plug. The next morning they managed to break my waters, though nothing else happened for a while, so I was put on a hormone drip and by midday I was in full blown labour. By 2.30pm I delivered Erin (my baby)at 8.9 pounds, I only had gas and air and was very pleased. She is all well and healthy, though has a massive appetite bless her.

I did have to have my placenta removed manually as I did with my first, which meant a spinal which really distressed me as I had a retaining placenta with my first and hoped it would come time, but it did not. I did feel a bit depressed for three days after coming home from hospital, but the darkness seems to have passed. It is hard with two babies under 2 years old, but they are both lovely. I am a very proud mummy.

Hugs all xxx
Thanks for posting xxx sorry to hear about your placenta. Hope you are feeling much better now?
Sometimes things can really shock us when having a baby. It's best to be open wih our feelings and not bottle it up.

Congrats :hug:
Hi, she is four months old now and doing really well xxx I was nearly two weeks overdue

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