My clever boy!


Well-Known Member
May 2, 2005
Reaction score
Took Jack for his 8 month check yesterday....

And he didn't get one scoring for his age he got age 15mths for most of them and 12mths+ for the rest!!

So clever. :clap: :clap:

Sorry hope you don't think i am bragging i was just so worried he wouldn't be at his age development. He got almost the same score as Amy to!

relieved now!

oh and he nussled his head into the HV boobies!! she said "oh isn't he sociable?!" :rotfl: That's my boy!
:cheer: :cheer: Thats awesome! Such a clever boy! Mummy sounds so proud :wink:

:hug: xx
I have just read it again and it sounds so big headed :(

Sorry if it comes across that way. :| I don't mean for it to.
dont be silly hun - we are all proud mummies and we all know how we want to scream from the rooftops how fab our kids are :cheer: so no one will mind in the slightest :D

:lol: nussling hv's boobs - you wanna watch that one - gonna have a ladies man on your hands! :rotfl:

well done jack - ours dont seem to have a scoring system they just right down notes about their different skills etc. when she wanted to see him crawl he wouldnt as he was on a nice playmat and was quite happy thank you very much - so i pointed out the air con unit to him and he was off! i knew he wouldnt go after anything he was allowed to touch :oops:

we dont have an 8 month check, only for hearing, but well done jack
Ahhhh Well done Jack.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
We know your not bragging, i know how worried you have been over some of Jacks development, can i say "I TOLD YA SO!!"
A real ladies man hehe :wink:
Yay clever Jack :cheer: and a typical man by all accounts!!! :lol:
thats fantasic hun, you must be so proud of him, dont think your bragging atall I know the feeling when you so proud you just want to tell the whole world!

sounds like he is doing really well, well done Jack
Thanks all,

He is definately a ladies man thats for sure or do i mean mummy's boy! :wink:

I am relieved more than anything as i was worried about his progress to crawl etc but he seems to be doing everything right now thank god! :)

Thats great well done !!
We dotn get 8 month checks either next time we go back after her 6 month shot is 12 months for more shots lol

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