My cat knows im pregnant!


Well-Known Member
May 4, 2010
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My youngest cat , Crunchie, knows im pregnant.

She usually cant stand to be touched, and never jumps up to be stroked.

But in the past week, she has become extremely attached to me. she always sits where she can see me, and jumps up on the sofa and cuddles up next to me. she has never done this, and she is nearly 2 years old!!

she knows!!!
Awwww, the title made me giggle a bit, but after reading... it sounds dead sweet!!... She's making sure you're resting for your 'litter' to be healthy! ;)
Cat's have a very good sense of smell and can smell the increased hormone levels in your body.

My cat is actually on Kalm Aid because my pregnancy stresses him out and he went opposite to yours. He's usually a very loving and affectionate cat and upon becoming pregnant he started getting grumpy and biting when he was stroked and just really jumpy.
My cat has been the same, really affectionate. I wondered if he knew!
Crunchie can never usually stand to be touched, so she has done a complete 180! still wont let my DH touch her tho! she only loves mummy!! :lol:
hey! i have 2 cats and they definately know too.... theyre never off my knee!!
This happened to me and I still get my lot cuddling up to my tummy particulary when I go to bed. To be fair my three boys were always cuddly and affectionate but they all congregate round my tummy now. The most surprising was my scary Bengal girl who is not cuddle at all. She'll cuddle up to my tummy now. Scary because I don't know if she wants to protect the baby or eat the baby!
Ha it's funny as I really think they do know

When I was pregnant with Devon my (affectionate lap and lay on bed next to me each night) cat Smartie wouldn't come near me at all!

Which actually worked out brilliantly (apart from me missing my cat), as she then stayed off our bed and made herself scare when Devon was actually born and I didn't have to worry about the cat snuggling up or sleeping on baby.
Is amazing how animals know!! My dog is always cuddling up to mr at the moment especially in the mornings :) I can't remember if she was like this before xx
The day I went into labour my cat who normally hides was very weird and was rolling round and stuff I'm sure she knew!!!


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