My bubba is breech


Well-Known Member
Sep 7, 2006
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Hiya all, I havn't been on for a while, having internet connection problems at home, have missed catching up on everyones news!
My baby has always been breech for as long as you have been able to tell its position I have a head just under my right rib cage. All my movements have always been low in my pelvis and when i lay on my left side the baby doesnt shift. My two previous babies were big, 9lbers, so ~I was referred to the consultant. he asked me to come back in 4 weeks and have a scan and if the baby hasn't turned the will do an ECV. My question is to others that have experienced this persistant breech baby thing, did your babies turn, has anyone had an ecv before, and what was it like? if anyone has had a ceserean for breech how many weeks did they do it at?
This is all new to me as my other two were born in water and I cant get it out of my head!
Sorry for all the questions!
sorry ive no experience to help u as this is my first baby but i read that second and subsequent babies can turn really late on.

good luck!
My first was breech but she turned at about 36/37 weeks and i had her at 39 weeks. I used to constantly rub my bump in a circular motion to get her to turn, especially in the bath or swimming pool. I dont know if it helped turn her, but anythings worth a go. I read being on all fours and rubbing circular for a while a day can help too.
I hope bubs turns for you :hug:
I heard that susequent pg can leave baby to turn late, as trixipaws said. I have no advice though hun, not been in that position myself, but I think I've read somewhere that ECV is uncomfortable rather than painful.....don't quote me on it though.

I hope baby turns :hug:

I have no idea but hope baby turns for you hun
One of our close friends LO turned the night before she gave birth, some babies do leave it to the last minute, some are more eager to get into position, thing is there's just no telling if/when LO will change position, unless of course LO is moved, but that's your decision obviously EllieG. There are lots of books and information online about exercises and positions you can get into daily which will encourage your baby to move down, I am sorry I have no personal experience to share, very best wishes and BIG hugs EllieG :hug:
Mine is still turning around now at nearly 38 weeks :roll: but i was stretched quite a lot with my twins.

As the ladies have said, subsequent pregnncies can still turn up until labour as my doc has told me on Sat 37+ when he turned transverse that he still has time to move and he did, he moved back to head down.

They should be able to try and move baby as long as you have no previous section scar.

Good luck and don't worry too much, I'm sure lo will move for you nearer the time :hug:
My first was breech uptill the day I was due, I remembered the mid wife told me my baby turned just in time for the birth (I was under so much pain relief, it was like a dream to me :oops: ) so don't worry there's still time. Good luck :D

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