My brilliant husband!!


Well-Known Member
Oct 15, 2010
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Bit of a pointless thread but I thought I would share anyway.

I scared my husband as I came down the stairs in tears this morning!! He soon laughed when he heard it was about clothes. I had been trying to find an outfit to wear and my dresses either don't zip up or they are nearly showing my crotch. I think I had two which fitted properly. I then moaned that I didn't get paid till Thursday so I can't afford anything so he very kindly said we could go shopping and he would buy me a couple of dresses. I don't want to buy maternity dresses as I want to be able to use them after the birth. I managed to find two dresses which fit over my bump nicely and they didn't cost the earth. Result!! I now have a few more dresses which fit me!!

That's lovely. I moan all the time about clothes and my OH always says he will buy me some but I dont want to buy too much cos won't be able to wear them after baby's here. I'm getting really bored with my wardrobe xx
Thats why I wanted normal dresses rather than maternity as I will be able to wear them after! Maxi dresses fit well at the minute. xx
How sweet of him!

Maxi dresses are fab!! I have 4 - so comfy!

Think I'll go for some maxi dresses in April when the weather gets nice and means I can wear them summer too. NHS should give us a maternity clothing allowance haha xx
Haha I agree. I'm pleased I wasn't heavily pregnant in winter. xx
im planning on spending my whole time in maxi dresses. found a maternity one which has no seams down the side so can still wear again after. need that for a wedding but then will find some more. xxx
I just love wearing dresses and feeling girly. xx

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