My Boobs Haven't Changed


Jan 8, 2009
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Hi Ladies - I'm slightly concerned - my boobs just haven't changed much throughout the whole of my pregnancy - I was 32b before I was pregnant and now I'm nearly 30 weeks pregnant and I've gone up to 34b - that's all! :oops: Apart from them getting a bit veiny, I've not got any bigger - they were quite sensitive in the first tri and are still a bit now but I'm worried that I won't be able to breastfeed if they don't get bigger - and I don't know when to go and get a nursing bra - as if I get one in 34b I may suddenly get bigger and then I won't fit into the bra - any ideas on when I should get a nursing bra and whether my lack of boob growth may effect my ability to breastfeed??
Mine have hardly changed either, don't worry everyone is different :hug: They will certainly change a couple of days after giving birth believe me! :lol:
I think they say to get measured at around 36 weeks but I'm not really sure. I left it too late last time because I couldn't see much of a change and had Brody at 37+5. What I did last time and have done this time is buy a couple of nursing bras in one cup size bigger than usual and my normal chest size.
My boobs hardly changed last time either and I breastfed for 19 months so don't let that worry you either hun :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
I wouldnt worry about it at all. I posted a really similar post when I was preg as I thought I wouldn't have any milk. My boobs hardly changed at all during the whole preg & I only went up 1 size. When my LO was born they were still quite small & soft but I did have milk. On day 3 the real milk came in & they were enormous :shock: :shock: and rock solid. I went shopping at about 34 weeks for nursing bras and bought one which had a bit extra room. It fitted me fine when the milk came in. I've stopped BF but if I'd continued I think I would have prob needed the next size, but the one I bought was def big enough to do me in the first week.
mine aint changed that much either.. my nipples have got bigger and they are very vainy but apart from that I havent really gone up that big and it looks odd with my bump been so big now!
Mine have hardly changed but im a G cup anyway ! really really dont wan them any bigger ! :D

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