My boobs are SO sore!! (possible tmi)


Well-Known Member
Nov 13, 2008
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For the part couple of days now, my boobs are in absolute agony!! :cry:

It's not the entire boob as such, just the nipples! Their hurting that much I cried out last night putting a nightie on!!

I don't know why this is, I took a pregnancy test a couple of days a go, suprise suprise BFN!

I've still not had a proper period since coming off the pill. Could this be OV pains or just the pill coming outta my system??

I NEED HELP!! :wall:

my boobs are exactly the same at the moment, except it's like my whole boob :(

i've had my bra off the past few hours as it was making them ache even more and now when i go up and down stairs i have to hold them because them 'jiggling' about hurts so much.

AF due in 3days though. fingers crossed.

I know how you feel though. Everything hurts, even just reaching up for something off a shelf.

:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
Its awful isn't it?

I don't think af is due though and even when she is they are not this sore!!! lol

Hope you feel better soon :hug:

cant give you much advise apart fromwhat i have experienced, i get super sore boobs a week before AF and my nipples are so hard and always erect (OH thinks it funny)! it could be your body just sorting itself out ready for a cycle.

gd luck hun :hug:
shaunie_louise said:
I don't think af is due though and even when she is they are not this sore!!! lolxx

the pill hides alot of the AF pains so it might just be how your body reacts without it.
Well heres hoping it's af then!!!

It will make ttc so much easier if I know where I stand with my cycle!!

I would never be so happy to see the witch!!!


Mine have been sore for the past week, really really's hoping..!!!
shaunie_louise said:
Well heres hoping it's af then!!!

It will make ttc so much easier if I know where I stand with my cycle!!

I would never be so happy to see the witch!!!
you can start a fresh then... track your goings on for sure!!

baby dust!!

Babydust to you all too!

I will start charting and such when the witch returns!
I didn't see the point in starting until she's back from her trip!

My nipples are killing today too - but it's only CD22 so too early to be anything interesting. Maybe it's the cold weather....

Or maybe it's just my body being DESPARATE to be pregnant!
just jumped off a bed after tying my mums hair up for her and complained, loudly as the impact killed my boobs, and told her my boobs have been killing me randomly since yesterday; and she just came back with:

'mine only ever hurt that badly when i was pregnant, all the way through'

then walked out to go and have her bath.

hopefully it's a good sign for me too!

baby dust for everyone!

:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: hugs too! :D
That was my first indicator that I was pregnant cos my boobs hurt so much! They are really sore and heavy, my nipples hurt and having a bra on is torture!! Oh, and shaking pasta to drain it made me cry out in pain :lol:

Here's hoping hun :pray: xx

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