

Well-Known Member
Jul 22, 2010
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I have recently stopped taking the pill - and the last few days my boobs are really hurting. Like a dull ache all across them is the only way i can desrcribe it and my nipples hurt.

I know this is probably just a side effect but i have never suffered with sore boobs before - i get all the usual symptoms etc before AF but this is something i have never experienced before.

I was wondering is it completly normal to suffer effects that you would never have experienced before whilst on the pill?

Thank you
I came off the pill not long ago and felt like rubbish hun, i had sore boobs, sore back, headaches and felt really sick. There is light at the end of the tunnel and all the symptoms do fade away. Hope your feeling better soon x x

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oh thank you!

I have been struggling with the usual since i stopped taking it and feel very up and down - but expected it. But my boobs have never hurt before...........................ill add it to the list of things i moan about he he
I came off the pill in january and had mega sore boobs in february. Thought it was hormones etc but i was actually pregnant!!!!! Had a MC at 11 weeks in may and since then I have had sore boobs for about a week before AF due and also in the middle of my cycle, which I'm assuming is to do with OV, also random stomach cramps and pains in middle of cycle too. Have noticed loads of different feelings and symptoms since stopping pill.
Thanks for that....... I've had random pains since stopping so I suppose it's just a new one! I just didn't know if it was common having things I've not experienced before. I've just got to wait see what happens I suppose.

Reassurance is always good though so thank you, Sorry to hear your
I also cam off the pill just in September...I have felt poo all month with very sensitive nipples, bad heads, feeling sick, feeling dizzy, being grumpy, feeling sooooooo tired...........oh the joys of being a woman. I think it's just our bodies getting used to getting back to 'au natural'...i am also now suffering my first proper 'AF' in 18 years and I had forgotten how much my head hurts!!! Will all be worth it though, but yes...I feel your pain. I have been off it a month now and I am startin to feel less sick and dizzy....

Great news for me is my first cycle off pill was exactly 28 days!! woo no worries there....just hope I am actually ovulating as I should be in about 10 days time.... xxx

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