My body is telling me I'm hungry, or nauseous


Well-Known Member
Jan 21, 2013
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I can't decide... I just ate an hour ago and I'm really really really hungry... Or nauseous... I'm not sure. Yuck. Anyone sympathise?

I haven't had any real morning sickness.
Exactly the same hun, I eat, I'm stuffed, an hour later I'm starving! And if I get too full or too empty I feel sick! Isn't horrible isn't it? Where's this pregnancy glow they talk about? Lol xx
Glow?? Glow?? More like red face, spots (that I never get!!) puffy cheeks, tits that ate almost obscuring my breathing. Yeah. Glow. Bet a man thought of that!

As my mum says - pregnant woman glow? You throw up every day, all day for 11 weeks and see how much you bloody glow!! Lol
I can sympathise jojo! I feel really full but still feel like eating more. Am trying to eat little and often because if I go too long before eating I start feeling a bit light-headed.
I can sympathise as well Jojo. I have only just today started to feel like a human being again. x
I feel like a right pig at the moment. I'm having to eat every couple of hours otherwise I also feel light-headed. After the issues I had last week with constipation and then diarrhoea I'm trying to stick to fruit and veggie snacking as much as possible.
I'm also the same!! I am feeling nauseous now but I am hungry too!!
Yep, we had a huge meal out with the in laws last night and I was stuffed. Got home at about 7.30 and got in bed because I felt sick, about 8.30-9.00 I wanted a snack :/ I'm going to end up like a house end! If I don't snack when my body tells me too I feel really really sick >.<

Jojo your mum is so right lol.

There is no glow like that of a women who has thrown up!!

Im hungry and sick all at the same time its horrid.

Michelle. x
The throwing up don't go away, just don't feel as bad in the "glow" area! Haha

First Tri is difficult & it does it easier, it feels like it lasts forever but it gets better. I feel great now just sick at random times. I had cheese o. Toast last night, and left one slice, I could then smell it & threw everything back up - projectile !!!
I feel like a right pig at the moment. I'm having to eat every couple of hours otherwise I also feel light-headed. After the issues I had last week with constipation and then diarrhoea I'm trying to stick to fruit and veggie snacking as much as possible.

wow relating to this one. i keep being so light headed. i have been off work this week (booked months before i knew i was pregnant for chill time with the bf) but all i have done is eat, feel sick, and sleep.

got so much stress moving out and stuff that i keep having a moment of motivation before totally collapsing into bed or onto the sofa. and im really struggling with food! constant beans on toast. cant even eat chicken anymore i hate it :(!!

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