My birth pool just arrived......eeeeek!!!


Well-Known Member
Jul 19, 2007
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I ordered my birth pool on Sunday and it's just turned up today and it's made me realise that i might be using it as early as next week :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:

I can't believe that at sometime over the next 6 weeks I've got to push a human being out of my foof.....OMG. I knew I was pregnant and I think I've been living in denial about the birth part but seeing the pool here has made it hit home that this baby is coming out.....SOON

I'm really looking forward to getting it blown up now and making sure it fits in the room I'll be having the baby in.... I'll be giving birth in the garden if it doesn't :rotfl: I'm going to let DH do it because it's going to be his job on the day because i'll be busy having a baby :rotfl:

I've had this one if anyone is interested....... does anyone know someone who has used one of these and if so what did they think of it??
Don't think I'll look quite as chilled as the lady in the picture though and I'd probably burn my feet on the candles!! :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:
You could ring him and tell him he is in for a blow job when he gets home you dont have to tell him you mean blowing up the pool but he will be home early i bet :rotfl:
Can we see pics when it is up please :pray:
hennaly said:
You could ring him and tell him he is in for a blow job when he gets home you dont have to tell him you mean blowing up the pool but he will be home early i bet :rotfl:
Can we see pics when it is up please :pray:

:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

never thought of that one.... unfortunately he knows it's being delivered today so he would click on to what I mean. I'll get DH to do some pics when it's up so you can all see it
Cool! You will love the pool during labour. My birth pool made a big difference. See my story for a pic of me in the pool.

omg i will be peeing my panties when mine turns up :lol: . i cant wait how exiting for you!!xx P.s Daffodil, your little one is ADORABLE!! i just wanted to kiss him ...ok i sound like a weirdo now :rotfl:
Yay how exciting Chrissy :cheer: I really found the birthing pool at the hospital such a help in labour (I'm convinced that I could have given birth in it too, if I hadn't got stuck at 8cm) :D

Looking forward to pictures when you blow it up :)
Make sure you time how long it takes to put up and fill up. My sister didn't manage to get hers up in time for her homebirth!

Mine was up for a week before the baby was born, just in case. Luckily we were able to do this as the room I was birthing in wasn't in regular use at the time. It was touch and go whether we'd get it filled in time though as we had just moved house and forgot that the boiler isn't a combi one. :roll: So the hot water ran out halfway full and my mum and OH had to boil saucepans of water on the cooker! We just got to the right temperature as she crowned! :lol:

If poss, it's an idea to try to have it at least half blown up in preparation, but do try not to get in it too early as it can slow things down. Really hope all goes well, I had 2 water births and it was amazing. :hug:
MummyJess said:
and forgot that the boiler isn't a combi one. :roll: So the hot water ran out halfway full and my mum and OH had to boil saucepans of water on the cooker! We just got to the right temperature as she crowned! :lol:

How strange, this happened to me too! I didn't really click at the time, but OH spent HOURS in the kitchen boiling up huge soup pans full of water and then annoying me by coming in and asking me to swim over to the other side so he could pour in boiling water - grrrrr! I just thought he was generally be annoying!

Valentine Xxx
Thats great news! Not long to go now. I would love a water birth but our hospital doesn't have the facilities and OH is not sure about a home birth. I would have a swim around in your pool for a bit a fun!!
oh blimey chrissy its goin so quickly hun!! :shock: lol @ hennally regarding offerin the OH a blow job hahahaha :rotfl: i really hope you get the home waterbirth you want sweetheart :) i'm hopin for a water birth but in the midwife unit :) i hear ya on the sudden realisation thing :shock: i've never been this pregnant before and its quite mental :shock: :think:
Cheers's mad how scarily close it is now!!

Luckily the room we're having the baby in is a 2nd reception room (I think it was once a garage that was changed into a room by the previous owners) and we only use it to play on the Wii in and to put the dog in when we go out :rotfl: :rotfl: It's got a couple of sofa's in there etc but there's plenty of room for the pool. I'm hoping that once we've got it all ready we can leave it blown up in there and only have to top it up with air and then fill it with water when I go into labour!

We have a combi boiler but DH is going to have a go this weekend and check he can get the temperature's right. He's completely obsessed with having the room at exactly 28 degrees and the pool at exactly 37 least it gives him something to focus on rather than annoying me :rotfl: :rotfl:

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