My bfp's getting fainter im bleeding so i guess ive lost it

:hug: :hug: Will keep my fingers crossed tomorrow for you hun x
good luck for tomorrow i'm :pray: :pray: for you, also i looked on for you and this is what it says about your lines getting fainter:
9. I took another test and the line is lighter. Does this mean anything? Should it get darker? Not necessarily. In general, the positive line will be darker when a greater amount of hCG is present in the urine, but not always. Some tests contain more or less dye (meaning there is just more or less color to "stick" to your hCG.) Some tests are more or less sensitive-- even 2 tests in the same box can be different. Also, your urine may have more or less hCG in it depending on what you ate or drank, or how long it's been since you last peed. Food itself does not cause false results, but can affect how much urine you have and how dilute it is. Eating salty chips and drinking caffeine all day will result in more concentrated pee, whereas gorging on watermelon and ginger ale will result in lots of very dilute pee. But an HPT is not meant to tell you "how" pregnant you are. It only tells you if you are pregnant or not. As long as there is a line in the results window, you are pregnant.
i realy hope all goes well at the scan :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
Awww hun :hug: :hug:

Good luck for tomorrow...they can offer bloody tests every couple of days which will show what the levels of HCG are doing and will give you a definate answer :hug: :hug:
I would ask for a blood test too as they can tell a lot from the level of HCG especially if you have one a fewdays apart to see how it is rising, especially as so early on a scan can be a bit limited.

Didnt want to read and run - :pray: 'ing for you!!

And I will be checking to see how you get on!!

Best of luck!!! Thinking of you xx

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