My bean is trying it's best to confuse me!!!!


Well-Known Member
Jul 19, 2007
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I've decided that my bean is just trying to make my life difficult already!! I still love it to bits though :)

We are staying team green because DH is really insistant that he wants to have a suprise at the birth rather than finding out. Reluctantly I'm agreeing to go ahead with it even though I want to find out because I get the joy of being able to feel all the babies kicks and movements etc so it's only fair to let him have a bit of pleasure out of the pregnancy.

Anyway.... I'm trying my best to every old wives tale in the book to work out what sex I might be carrying. Well....bean is doing it's very best to confuse me :rotfl: :rotfl:

I thought I'd go off heart rate..... one day it's under 140 (136 - 142) so I think it must be a boy. Not the heartbeat is 164 - 172! so maybe it's a girl.... :think:

Also.....every other day the heartbeat has sounded just like a steam train, so again boy! today........ just like a galloping horse!!!!! :think:

I'm sure the baby is just trying to make it difficult for me already, hopefully it will be more co-operative after it's born! :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:
:rotfl: aww bless!!!!

i don't know how you will cope not finding out - i am sooo impatient, the 9th of June feels like an eternity away lol!!!

at first my bubs' heartbeat sounded like galloping horses, now it sounds like a train lol!!

they do like to confuse us mummies!!! :rotfl:
had you done lots when the heart rate quickened? Mines been consistently quite quick, but if i'd just had a shower or got out of breath it was faster.

According to the midwife heart rate is qutie accurate for predicting sex. Nothing certain though lol
Aww Chrissy your LO is trying desperately to ensure you get a surprise right up until the end :D

I'm still convinced you're having a girl.

I did an old wives tale internet test the day before my scan which came up 60% girl 40% boy :lol:

Then when we were listening to the heartbeat with the midwife, she said that it definitely sounded like a boy's heartbeat, although she said she could only say that after we'd told her he was a boy!

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