My baby still has day and night muddled....


Well-Known Member
Mar 4, 2011
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Kynon is 2 months now and still got day and night muddled. He seems more settled in the day and goes off to sleep easily for 2-3 hours and is hard to wake but come night time hes alert wanting attention and hard to get off to sleep. I'm barely getting 3 hours of broken sleep a night and I'm really starting to feel it now. A typical night we go up at 11pm but he's awake for about 2 hours then wakes at 3am and sometimes I can't get him off till 5am then I'm up at 7.30 but he normally wakes again at 6am. Of course he then sleeps most of the morning!

I've got a 'night routine' of bath at 7pm, feed, then into his pram cos it's downstairs. We dim the lights and stop 'playing' with him but he just babbles away or moans to himself until I feed him again around 9pm. He's a breast fed baby and was a month early so expect he won't go as long as a bottle fed baby but why does he sleep better in the day? What else could I try, I need some sleep esp as my hubby away back offshore now.
Took my LO a good few months to get them swapped around, think it was when he was about 4 months old he had them proper figured out!

Until then though I just had to try and get as much sleep in the day time as possible, just keep on doing what you are doing and try to sleep when he sleeps... if possible obviously!

Until then, sometimes I was awake from 2 or 3am until the next night, but you can't go on like that for very long.

He was the same while I was pregnant too, funny that!
Mine too lol

I'm looking forward to the teenage years coz when he won't get out of bed I'm gonna live in mine too haha
oh sarah

Thats a wee shame, good on you for being so strong & struggling through it.

You said Kynon sleeps in the pram down the stairs, where does he sleep when you go up the stairs to bed? & where does he sleep for his daytime naps?

I was having issues with Kayden that he just would not take a day time nap, I was just basically putting him down to sleep his crib, buggy, moses basket, swing, on mat on floor ect. But I started putting him only into his moses basket for day-time naps & he fought it at first but after a cpl days got used to it & he sleeps in his crib in the bedroom at night. So only really 2 sleeping places - one for day & one for night & hes even been better at night coz his daytime routine is better.

The only way I seemed to win with my son was keeping him awake as much as I could during day kept it noisey and light. Then come night time dark and quiet. Also I left him in his swing for a few hours so I could grab some rest. At the long shot if he wouldn't stop crying I took him for a walk around the block. That seemed to settle him back into sleep and it made him realise I wasn't going to play with him also he could see it was dark outside x
At that age my LO didn't like the quiet dark but went to sleep much easier with the tv on in the background - could playing quiet background noise be worth a shot?
Thanks for the tips. He sleeps in pram during the day mostly and early evening then I put him in his crib when I go to bed. We had noisy light days and quiet dark nights. He was a pain again last night and just wanted cuddles all the time, he screams loads when I put him down but find when I pick him up. I can't bear to let him scream long, its like hes being tortured or something! plus he wakes my daughter which isn't fair on her for school either. I'm soooo tired! :(
Have you tried putting a radio on very low during the night That really help when our Adam was younger, either an all talking station or classical music used to work best x x
I was thinking of trying music tonight, trouble is it will prob keep me awake! He likes classical music, nearly always hours him to sleep in the day! I'm trying the Mozart effect lol!

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