My baby is genius lol


Well-Known Member
Mar 27, 2006
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I've been signing to Thea since she was just a few weeks old, I sign lots of words to her now. I know lots of babies dont respond for a few more months but most people dont start baby signing as early either.

Anyway Thea signed for milk this morning!! Im so proud :)

Now she just has to sign mummy before she signs daddy :rotfl:
awww fantastic! well done thea!!!!!!!! :dance: :cheer:

Where did you learn all the signs? i would love to do this with alice :)
I learned BSL when i was a kid to communicate with my uncle so baby sign was easy for me because most of it is exactly the same, some of it is adapted to make it easier for baby (like milk in BSL would be too complicated for a baby to sign).

Try Joseph Garcia’s Complete Guide to Baby Signing, its really informative and you get a DVD to make sure you are signing the sign correctly. - ... &a=product
thanks for the link :D

what kinda things to do you sign?
At the minute i sign everytime i use the words

Im planning on starting to use food now too because ive started the babyled weaning.

I also sign nursery rhymes to Thea everyday - Twinkle twinkle little star, bah bah black sheep and old macdonald had a farm
wow, that looks brilliant!!
well done thea too!!
Aww well done Thea :hug:

I use signs with Emma, it is so good because she is able to tell me what she wants and doesn't get frustrated because I can understand her. We've been signing since she was 6 months :D

I love the idea of doing this!!! Could I start now then you think?

I know the signs for food, more, please, yes and thank you!

I will need to find out the ones for mummy and daddy! lol
Lyndsey you can start anytime hun, there's no reason not to sign now!
I was looking around for something other than a book for someone else and found a great online course. For £10 you can join a six week e course at that teaches you all the basics, gives you a video dictionary and teaches you some nursery rhymes to sign. You get access to everything for 6 months which is more than enough time to learn things.

Can you tell i love converting people lol
Well done Thea! It is brilliant and it seems to becoming more and more popular. Fortunatly I've been taking Otis to signing class since he was 4 months so looking forward to the benefits in the coming months /years!
We go to the Best Start Singing club (in Hertfordshire)
she seems to be the only one doing it around here and is looking to hand over her business so a few ladies including myslef are considering taking over :think: .
Lynsey the sign for mummy is - tapping your ring, middle and index finger on your forehead (holding your pinky and thumb fingers together underneth your palm -makes sense?)
and sign for dad is - tapping index and middle finger of one hand over the index and middle fingers of the other hand :D
This sounds really good. Do babies really catch on to this eve though they don't understand who you are and what Mummy and Daddy mean yet? And can you really start from anytime?
This is the website that I use: clicky

We also make up our own signs.
I started from about 6 months and she was about 8 months before she started to sign back. It is also supposed to help them with talking as they learn how to communicate more quickly. It really is brilliant and I feel really close to her because of it. :D
I started doing a couple of basic signs with Leorah and she took to it straight away. I do the breastfeed sign to her and if she's hungry she replies with a big open mouth. We are now baby lead weaning and she is now learning to put her hands up in the air when she's finished. I also used that site that Sarah B recommended :D
Oh wow, I am so glad I have seen this thread, I am defo going to teach Ruby to sign...I think its a marvelous idea and I have spoken to a mum at my baby group who signs, her daughter doesnt get frustrated when she cant get her words out.....I will defo check out the site and well done Thea!!!

The nursery I have Ruby in for 2 days when I go back to work encourages signing as they have a boy with Downs who signs, so all the kids are using sign at meal times...they have posters around with the basic signs and all the staff have done a course in it. I think its wonderful and cant wait to teach her when she is older, need to get practising now!!! :cheer:
Ah that is brilliant.

Im taking Isabella in September, I really cant wait. We have just signed up for another term on Jo Jingles.

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