11 months old today - mammy gets emotional


Well-Known Member
Mar 27, 2006
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WOW my baby is growing so fast! Its like i blinked and in the place of the tiny little bundle I brought home I've got a proper girly madam on my hands!

I'm so proud of her, i love getting these email things from baby center and places like that with the milestones in because they make me laugh. I read about how Thea should be starting to do this or that about now and shes been doing it for ages already. Sometimes i worry that im a smug mummy but honestly i dont care, i love bragging about her because she is amazing!

Life has gotten way more hectic since she decided that crawling is for babies not her and she must now walk everywhere. She walked down Vaci Utca (the main shopping street in the city) holding my hand yesterday as good as gold. She signs to get her nappy changed so i dont have a baby who screams because her nappy is wet or dirty. She signs for her milk and asks for yum yums when she is hungry. She can bring you the right coloured block when you ask for it. There's just so much that she does that amazes me.

Sorry i didnt mean this to turn into such an essay!

Here's the little madam in the new cardigan i had to buy her on wednesday because i forgot her jacket and it got cold while we were out (it was boiling when we left the house).
its gone so fast hasn't it melanie. Little Thea has come so far in such a short space of time! its so amazing.
My rachael will be 11 months on tuesday too and i don't know where its gone.
For some reaon i found myself watching the birth channel this morning and i got really emotional watching a birth and the little wrinkly newborn.
I looked over at rachael and thought by gum where has that time gone! Shes growing up everyday.
I know what you mean Budge, i got a bit weepy watching a birth program a few weeks ago.

What are we like eh :lol:
Awww I got all tearful reading this :cry:
You are proud and so you should be! What a gorgeous, clever little girl you have made! :D :hug:
Hey Melanie,

She's a little superstar - you should be proud of her. I love watching my daughter grow up but has anyone got a pause button - it goes so so fast. I can't believe how tiny she was when she was born and that was only 8 weeks ago!

Well done Melanie and Thea! Are you planning anything fun for her birthday Melanie?

Valentine xxx
Awwww and you should be proud of Thea... she is a little clever cutie! :D
Wow Mel what a super little star you have there and you already know what i think of Thea I think she's just amazing.
You have every reason to be proud of her she's an angel and a stunning one at that.
I know how you feel about the time. Alfie is one now and I relish every second but i wish i could stop the time a little bit. He is now no longer the baby that snuggles up close and goes to sleep on me he's the little boy who decides to power dive off the sofa and find it hilarious, or the little boy who thinks stealing mummys house keys and hiding them for 3 days is an excellent rick.
Even though we miss the tiny babies they were we cant help but enjoy far more the little people they become. they fantastic personalities they develope and watching them experience things they like/dislike and letting us know about it.
Iv rambled on a bit lol but i know how you feel. Its like your heart pulls in two directions in between wanting to keep them babies forever but getting excited about their futures and wanting whats best for them, its amazing.
Alfiesmummy said:
Wow Mel what a super little star you have there and you already know what i think of Thea I think she's just amazing.
You have every reason to be proud of her she's an angel and a stunning one at that.
I know how you feel about the time. Alfie is one now and I relish every second but i wish i could stop the time a little bit. He is now no longer the baby that snuggles up close and goes to sleep on me he's the little boy who decides to power dive off the sofa and find it hilarious, or the little boy who thinks stealing mummys house keys and hiding them for 3 days is an excellent rick.
Even though we miss the tiny babies they were we cant help but enjoy far more the little people they become. they fantastic personalities they develope and watching them experience things they like/dislike and letting us know about it.
Iv rambled on a bit lol but i know how you feel. Its like your heart pulls in two directions in between wanting to keep them babies forever but getting excited about their futures and wanting whats best for them, its amazing.

Awww now I AM blubbering! :cry:
I so know what you mean :hug:
:hug: Aw Mel, you have every right to be a smug mummy, Thea is an amazing gorgeous little angel and a clever one at that!! :clap:

Being a mummy is one of the most rewarding things in the whole word, Ruby is definatley my biggest achievement ever, I still cant believe I made this little person who is now developing her own wonderful funny personality! My heart races every time I look at her, she amazes me and has completed my life...

Big hug for all you proud mummies out there and all of our amazing forum munchkins :hug: :hug:
Mel; Thea is fantastic and you have every right to be a smug Mum.

She is just gorgeous. The time goes by toooo quickly :hug:

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