My Babies head is 4/5!


Well-Known Member
Dec 28, 2005
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Hi all

Just been to the midwife and I KNEW my babies head had dropped cos I was having trouble walking from yesterday, and she confirmed he was low.

Then I then read my notes and she put he was 4/5.... looks like he is getting comfy and read in there!!!

Also B/P still high, so having wkly check ups again, hope it drops when i leave work next week! xxxxx
Oh how exciting, did she say he may come early???

Dont get to excited about it meaning it might come early because with my first her head was fully engaged from 34wks and i still went 10days over my due date (on the bright side its the correct way up)
I agree with Ramseyn, Jamie was 4/5ths at about 34 weeks then went to 3/5ths then fully engaged then 3/5ths & that's where he stayed until I gave birth! so even though its good your bubs in the right position it doesn't mean he will be early :( Sorry.x
:)My little one has been 3/5ths for the last 4 weeks,and was still at 3/5ths on Tuesday,I'm 9 days over now and it looks like he won't budge for anything!!
yer i kind of expected everyone to say that, Glad he is in the right position but it is very uncomftable!! Glad he is comfy in there!! haha

I am a little worried about early induction though if my blood pressure stays high, because i really want a water birth but you cant if your induced! xxxxx
Just to throw every one off my little one at the mo goes from 5/5 to fully engaged to 5/5 when ever the wiggler feels like it lol

But this is my third so that explains that but it can be really uncomfortable when wiggler does it.


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