My AF and OPK's diary Aug/Sept


Well-Known Member
Aug 22, 2011
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Hi girlies

i am finally back online, BT are bloddy rubbish and its soo hard to come on your mobile on here it eats battery too :(

Anyway im just doing a diary of this months AF and my OPK's so ive got it all written down somewhere and maybe it'll help someone else too :)

ok so i am still a bit unsure as to when my AF actually started. was due on sat 27th but only had show of blood in morning and the same sunday and monday morning but monday night there was more. so maybe i am not cd 4?? i dunno, my AF was like this last cycle too, very light in begining, heavy and then light again, but bled for around 8 days.

anyway done my first opk today just now-negative which would be expected but starting now so i dont miss anything, i would like to be doing them during the recommended times of 12-2pm when we get our surge but its hard being in work all week so my plan is to do it when i get home at 5 every day :). i usually drink between 1-1.5 litres of water in work in the day time so i stopped drinking at 3pm just to make sure i hadnt diluted my wee too much, i was planning on not going toilet until i got home but was dancing round my desk by 3.45 so had to go lol.

once AF has been and gone me and bf hav planned to set alarm earlier than usual in mornings so we can get some BD in we dont usually go more than a day without having BD anyway but sometimes he doesnt do his business (couldnt think of a politer way to explain sorry lol and dont want to be pressurising him case he starts to think that i dont want him just his sperm llol) but in the morning he doesnt seem to last more than 5 mins lol, he'd kill me for writing this :)

soo i will be testing everyday, BD every morning once AF has gone, hopefully this will work this time round :) only been at it two months but wantr it to happen now lol.

will update tomorrow with my cd5 opk :)
:dust: baby dust to all :)
Keep us updated

Baby Dust to you xx
Ok so i was home a bit early that usual so have done my opk for today......negative. my AF is still very light now and its CD5, soo i dunno whats going on tbh, with the pill im usually off by now??strange. im just hoping that this is my natural AF now and i am ovulating but time will tell.

had some crappy news today, my bf is having to go away on work next week and he is away on my most fertile days according to my ovulation days app on phone, this all depending when i actually ov tho :(

last time we will be able to do BD in late thurs night, as he is leaving early hours fri to catch a flight, so im thinking of hanging myself upside down off the ceiling for 2 days until i ov (if i do).

so i doubt this will be my month :( :( but we'll see.

oh im am also recording when we do BD on my ovulation days app so i can keep track of things, dunno if this'll help but at least i will be able to look back if it is taking few more months to get pregnant and see where we coud have gone wrong.

will update tomorrow

baby dust to all :)
CD6 - AF still very light, I don't know what to think now?? Maybe its just spotting but can apotting last for 6 days?

Couldn't settle in bed last night took my ages to get to sleep with all the baby making business on my mind, its all I think bout these days.

Can't wait to get home today to do my opk, I just want a possitive result soo I know I'm ov.

Only done two of them soo far but feels like I've been at it for months :(

Will update later

Baby dust to all :) xx
CD6 continued....

so opk was negitive again today, will test again tomorrow.

im unsure now tho if i am diluting my wee too much from drinking too much water in work.

wish i knew what i was doing lol

baby dust to all :) :)
CD7............whoop whoops its FRIDAY :) :) its been a looooooooonnng weeek!

Ok so AF arrived properly last night, what's that all bout??

At least its not just spotting like I thought.

Doubt ill get a positive result later but there we goooo.

I'm gona look into temps now for next cycle, hope its not too complicated :eek:

I'm happy today, looking forward to a nice night in with my better half. :) :) aint seen much of him last two nights been a busy bee.

Will up date with my opk result later

Baby dust to u all :) :) and good luck :) :)
CD7 continued...................

negative opk.

AF still quite heavy for rest of day, really am confused as to when to call my CD1 now?!!!

AF still quite heavy, opk negative!

I dont know how long AF will be with me for now? 8days later and im stil bleeding, quite a bit tbh?

im keeping my fingers crossed that these opks will help me figure out my cycle this month and im really hoping i ov early as bf is away on my most fertile days if i ov on CD14, heres to hoping.

anyway gona chill in bath for bit now and then get ready to go out, got a party, im gonna let my hair down and party like its 1999 lol it may be my last time for a while if all goes right :), told my firends that im staying in till xmas after this so perfect excuse if i do get preggers this cycle :) :)

anyway girls enjoy your sat night whatever you are doing :) :)

baby dust to all xxxx
baby g see my post in your other thread - about questioning what cycle day you were x
CD4( would be CD9 if things were regular)

soooo i think im on CD4 now not 9, this AF has confused me this cycle - 33days since last AF and 5days of spotting and then AF - 4days soo far.

changed my AF dates on ov app now and looks like ill be ov when bf home :) :) woooooo so maybe its a good things AF took her time getting here.

will do my opk test later and update, im craving a sunday dinner today, living at home with mam would be good right now lol :)

baby dust to all :) :)
CD4 - opk negative

CD5 - opk negative

Feels like I've been doing these forever and I'm never goin to get a positive lol, stupid cycle confused me.

Asccording to my ov app ill be ov 11th-16th, the 15th being my most fertile day, that's aagggggggeeeeeeeesssss away argh!!!

Gona have to buy my opks tooo now.

Roll on next week, couldn't come quick enough :) :)
go to boots - buy one get one free on first respoince opks!!
Thank you will pop there later :) :)
hr mrs :dust: to you!!

If OPKs dont work this cycle for us, I'm going to look into basal temperature , apparently it's a lot more accurate! (i dont even know what or where basal is rofl :blush:) xxx
Thanks piglet10 :) baby dust to u too :). That's my plan also to do the temps if opks fail me this cycle, hope it aint too confusing, I'm quite the dimwit lol

Sooooooo I think I've had a breakthrough this morn and figure out my cycles whoop whoop, made a few notes in my diary in work for july and august soooo ithis is how my cycles have been recently.....

4th july-normal AF after pill but I did stop taking it half way through pack in june sometime soo not really counting this AF in my workings out

30th july- orignally thought I had AF but now thinking bout it I was very light for 2-3days and then heavy ssooooo I'm thinking I was spotting on first few days and actual AF on 1st/2nd aug, I calculated ov wrong and didn't bd on my most ferile days argh!!!

27th aug - spotting for 5 days and AF on evening of 1st sept, was quite heavy for 4 days

Sooooo looks like I'm on a 29/30 day cycles with spotting before hand, I'm happy that I think I've worked things out.

According to ov app I'm due my most fertile day next fri 15th sept soooooo plenty of bding the days running up to this, can't wait now even though it seems like a life time awayyy. Huryy up lol! :) :)
honestly mrs ive been :bd: every other day outside my 'fertile' period just incase at least if u ov wrong time u have a chance??

i seen a thing online chances of conceiving if having sex in fertile period is like 9% and outside is 2% so its only 1/4 of a chance but have all month to do it iykwim? xxx
Is your ticker right? 6 days till testing?? Ooooo exciting :)

Ye I know I missed it last month now and waasnt doing any opks, doingg these this month, been doing them for over a week already coz I got al confused with my AF lol. I'm only on CD6 today, got everything soooo mixed up.

Glad I kinda know what's goin on now :) :)

Fx for u BFP hun :)
aww fx for u too hun!

its too complicated isnt it lol?!?!

and yeah i THINK my tickers right xx
CD6 - opk negative, god things are taking foreverm

I've decided to not come back on PF until after I ov, which hopefully shud be next sunday, miles away I know but I dunno if comin on here every chance I get is slowing time down or not :( :(, feels like I've been doin my opks for months already and still not ov till next week :( :(.

Bf is away thurs night til tues now too soo gona be lovesick all on my lonesome, not use to it :( :( I've decided to go stay with my mam whilst he is away, stil do my opks (ill update here with each day when I log back on) and chill then hell out (well try my best)!!!

Nothing I can do now until bf is back and I'm ov, seems like months away tho.

I hope to see some bfp when I log back on next week :) :)

Piglet10 good luck with testing, only 5 days left to go for you :) :)

Good luck everyone and see u all in a week or sooo :) :)
Ok sooooo I'm back, its cd15 and bf is home later on wooooooo (2days after he was supposed to be home, not fair but cundt be helped)

My opks from cd9 - cd15 have all been negative, the have been faint, darker on CD11 + 12 and then gone even fainter, I dunno what to think?

Other girls have said that u can ov upto cd 20 sooo looks like its just a waiting game for me, wonder wen I will ov, hmmmmmm.

Oh well nothing I can dooo and am happy bf back later soo ill be getting the bd practise in to make sure we know how to do it right ready for when I ov ;).

If I don't get my bfp this cycle I'm going to do temps next cycle, surely they've got to have a better result than opk??

Fx for our BFP's :) :)

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