my 8 day old....


Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2005
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little girl has a tooth :shock:

when she was born i noticed something sticking up from her gum and just thought it was abit of her gum sticking up, but on closer inspection today its deffo a tooth and its quite sharp, did'nt relise babys could get teeth at this age

Its rare but babies can be born with teeth... :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: One down though :)
OMG that's incredible! my 6 months old still has no signs of teeth LOOL!
Aw wow i have read like a million times that babies can be born with teeth or get them in the first week but haven't known anyone whos baby has :-) now we know its true! bless her!! hope shes settling in with her bros and sisters :-) and you had a fab christmas x
Yes like Fran says ive heard of LO's being born with teeth but never known a baby thats had one! Incredible. Bet is sooooo cute!
My step brother was born with teeth

Also its normal for some cultures to be born with teeth xxxxx
Wow! Can you show a pic i really want to see, bless her that is amazing to have 1 when shes soo little! :D x
i'll try and take a pic in the morning :)

i said to the h/v about it and in so many words told me not to be stupid, she was a right c*w anyway. but the m/w saw it today and was shocked that she had a tooth already
wow, thats amazing!! :D Like others have said, pics please! I bet its very cute :hug:
Aww how cute!! :D
When Dillon was born the MW though he had a tooth! Turned out to just be a white patch on his gum though! I had never seen a baby born with a tooth and was so excited lol! I cant wait to see pics!! :D

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