My 20 weeks scan pic!! :o)


Well-Known Member
May 7, 2006
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Hello all :D

Just been to the scan, OH got to see more than I did when the nurse was taking measurments (sp?) Baby was being a pain in the butt and laying on its tummy in a ball shape. The nurse was trying her best to move it about, bless lol... She said she didnt see any male bits.... but she said if she was to guess, her guess would be that its a girl, but she said not to hold her to that, because she couldnt really see...... :( ah well, going to have to wait and see if shes right. She said it was a really healthy baby and whatever im doing to keep doing it. So all the junk foods working then :D ......anyway heres a couple of picys.



Bless you babe glad everything went well,what is it with our little ones why can't they open them legs up wide so we can have a good look :wink: :D xx
congrats on the healthy baby!!!!

You 2nd tri girls have some stubborn little babies dont you!!!!! xxxx
Another little monkey :D I'm glad all is well and baby is healthy, that's the important thing isn't it?
violet-glow said:
Hello all :D

Just been to the scan, OH got to see more than I did when the nurse was taking measurments (sp?) Baby was being a pain in the butt and laying on its tummy in a ball shape. The nurse was trying her best to move it about, bless lol... She said she didnt see any male bits.... but she said if she was to guess, her guess would be that its a girl, but she said not to hold her to that, because she couldnt really see...... :( ah well, going to have to wait and see if shes right. She said it was a really healthy baby and whatever im doing to keep doing it. So all the junk foods working then :D ......anyway heres a couple of picys.




awww they are really good pics wish mine were that clear!

the baby done the same to me but we saw between the legs an there were no boys bits lol

congrats hun!
wow! What clear pictures!! They are fantastic. :D
Fantastic, so happy for you hun. Got my scan in 6 weeks I hope mine doesnt keep its legs crossed/curl up I wanna know the sex soooo bad!!
Nice suprise for you anyways hun :D
Wow, amazing pics hun :hug:
Glad everything went ok :D
Thanks ladies :D :hug:

Been trying to hold myself back from buying little dresses... aww there so cute tho!

Going to have to wait and see only another 4 months to go :D

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