Do I need another scan?


Well-Known Member
May 27, 2006
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I had myanomaly scan last thursday. The sonographer took measurements and said everything was fine.

Then she went to the heart. The baby was laying side ways so she had to check the heart through the baby's ribs.

She was checking for 4 things (cant remember if they're called chambers/valves). However she only saw 2.

She then told me to rest a little, then she called in another sonographer to check with her. They both checked at the same time.

The other lady, said she couldn't see two things that she meant to see on the heart, but she THINKS its there but she cant see it.

She thinks its right infront if her but because its a new and the best machine and its PROBABLY too clear, shes not expecting to see it..

Now at the time, I was just enjoying the moment of seeing my LO onscreen. So I didnt say anything. I just accepted it.

She also said that I wont have another scan (not even a growth scan) until baby is born.

Is that right?
if they were even slightly worried they could have called you back in for another scan hun. Try not to worry :hug:
I agree, they would have arranged another scan for you if they felt it necessary. If you are worried though have a word with your MW :hug:
thanks vic... :hug:

but my sis was born with a hole in her heart and they think thats why she actually died...

my b/f has artial fibriliation

my granny has angina

and my dads side of the family (THE OLDIES) about 95% of them have some heart problem

but as both ladies say.. if they thought it was bad they would call me back.. but i feel like faking something just for them to check it out..

it sounds terrible but i just wanna be certain...

my mom is already blaming me (if anything is wong) becaz i was crying so much at the start of the pregnancy
That's terrible from your mum hun, you really don;t need any stress at the moment and her saying that ain't being supportive at all! Don't worry you have us here! :hug:

I'd defo say to your midwife next time you see her, just ecplain toher again about ALL of your families, on both sides, history with heart problems and maybe they'll reassess and give you another scan. It;s worth a shot anyways hun xxx
Hi hun, I am so sorry you are worried hun......but I agree if there was any doubt they would have investigated further if not called you back for another scan!! But it is so natural for you to be paranoid, there are times we all are I am sure?! I know I am!

Try to take it easy babe....I get you want to fake something, I would feel the same, but I would also be so worried about tempting fate :?

No one cried more than me at the start of my First pregnancy babe, and my DD is very fit & your Mum is talking out of her back side (sorry :hug: ) There will be nothing wrong babe, and there certainly is no way to even start blaming yourself for things that may and may not even be an issue, it is called nature....not Ebony :wink: !

Take care and STOP worrying, you will be fine babe and so will baby :wink: :pray: :hug: :hug: xx
try not to worry too much hunny, im sure if they had even the slightest of niggles they would have booked you in for a rescan.

if your stil really concerned then mention it to your midwife, who im sure will be able to reassure you xx

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