My 20 week scan *Updated with a pic*


Well-Known Member
Mar 31, 2010
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Little bugger has its legs crossed :lol: i knew it! Also lying faced down again so they couldn't check the heart properly and the end of the spine for any problems, apart from that everything looks fine and baby is growing perfectly well. Was weird seeing the skeleton face lol, she gave me an idea of what she thought it was but i am not saying as i am just waiting for definite conformation as it was really just a guess. I have to go back on the 8th so hopefully i will find out :) My bladder wasn't full enough either lol i just couldn't drink the water i never wanted to be in pain again :( xxx
Oh and pics are a bit i'll maybe wait to put them on, not sure.

Edit: i was also late for the scan i thought it was half 10 but it was 10...oooppps


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Oh any tips with the water and weeing...i need to pee every 15 mins sometimes??? :( xxx
aww hun all i can say is drink and hold pee for as long as possible at least you get a re scan to check on bubs and to find out the sex xxx
try practacing drink a pink of water then dont pee for an hour
Yeah im holding it now its been longer than an hour but ive only had a can of pop...sometimes i need to go more and now its not hurting...i don't know why xxx
Aww sorry to hear this Shauna, but at least you get to see bub's again and have another scan to find out the sex x
I had a simalar issue - sorry if this sounds gross was told by nurse to wee a little and then drink more water to top it up - seemed to work for me xox
Thanks, can you actually do that? pee a bit then hold it? i think id find that impossible...i might try it soon i need a wee xxx
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It hard to do lol but i did manage it for the scan not something id do alot lol
Glad things seem ok so far. Hopefully little one will behave for next scan! I haven't had the date through for my rescan yet.

This peeing thing is getting me down lol! I can't believe i couldn't drink the water...i thought it would be ok, was gutted. Glad everything is ok though xxx
i can pee and stop practice next time you need to go lol
aww glad all is ok wi ur bubu... My boy was round the wrong way and wouldnt turn either at my scan.. Least u getting abother one fingers crosses u get a big eyefull then... Cant help u on the peeing situation im afraid im going through the whole thinking im bursting but im not @(
I can pee and stop. You should try to do it. It strengthens your pelvic floor muscles. Start by trying to stop and hold for 5 seconds mid pee and when you can do that easily build up to ten seconds then fifteen etc etc. I phoned antenatal to find out my rescan. Its next friday!

Ah sorry little man/lady was being a monkey today! Hopefully you'll find out on the 8th! Dont think I would say either if I wasnt told for definite.

Can you drink pop before you go in next time? Even if its in the wrong position next time, it might get a bit hyper and move itself?
Sorry you didn't get to find out today Hun but at least you get another chance to see lo and hopefully next time he or she will behave x
Cool Flopsy, good luck. I can hold my pee after ive had a pee but i don't think i could go away from the toilet and still hold it...argh why have i got such a week bladder!
I dunno could i drink pop rather than water??? xxx
Ah've clealry got a naughty little bubba in there! At least you get to see him/her again!!!

I had to pee a bit on my 12 week scan and then go back and be rescanned!! It was hard but I was too scared of doing to much and then not being able to finish the scan! lol

Glad all is well with bubs! :)


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