My 20 week scan of our naughty little bubs


Well-Known Member
Oct 11, 2010
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Well we went in at 11.30am today & I was busting for the loo. Little naughty monkey would not stay still for the sonographer & kept covering their face & laying on their stomach. After an hour I was told to go for a walk up some stairs to try to get them to turn. We must have walked past every loo going & it was torture. 15 minutes later we went back in & baby had still not turned. Somehow they managed to get all measurements & everything is fine! This is the best picture that we could get due to little fidget pants & my hubby is sure it's a girl as they were very stubborn & not playing ball.

Sunnyb xxx
Glad everything went well hun - well done for managing to keep going with nipping to the loo! xx
Yay what a lovely pic!!

When I had my 12 week scan I had to pee a little bit so that bubs would move so she could do the measurements properly. I'm praying I don't need to do it this time when my bladder is always desperate to pee anyway. I very much doubt whther i'll be able to do 'just a little bit'!! lol

Yay hun glad it all went well for you and your pic is great x
Aww thats a great picture! I have mine a week tomorrow, i cant explain how impatient im getting! xxx
Fab piccy, my 20 week scan was the same, baby wouldn't cooperate ended up going back the following week for a rescan, she is a girl :lol:
awwww good pic!! good news all is healthy and well :)

i cant wait till my 20 week scan... 3 weeks and counting! xxx
Cute pic, its awful holding your wee in my 12 week scan it was torture!!! Especially she was pressing hard on my abdomen when scanning me...not looking forward to holding my wee in again. x
I wasnt told to drink loads before I went in at my 12 week, in fact i was having a wee when she came out to call me lol x
Awww cute pic! Baby was naughty at my 20 week scan too lol.

I have allways been told you dont need a full bladder with your 2o week scan as the baby is further up in you tummy anyway so it doesnt really make a difference and you only need to do it at your 12 week because you womb is behind you pubic bone at that point and a full bladder helps to push it up into your abdomen a bit more for easier scanning x I just had a scan at 16 weeks and didnt need a full bladder x
By the way I forgot to say I only had a couple of cups of coffee, but I needed to pee before we set off to the hospital so knew my bladder was full. I was told to try & have a full bladder because of where baby was previously positioned inside me & when bubs was laying on their front & the sonographer needed them to turn over, I was told to go & pee to try & get them to move! Cheeky bubs was still not playing the game though. Hope everyone elses scans that are coming up soon go well & can't wait to see more pics as there's a lot of June babies.

Sunnyb xxx
Glad the scan went well!! Lovely scan pic :)

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