MW yesterday and growth scan


Well-Known Member
Apr 7, 2010
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Well although I'm only 33 weeks I had my 34wk appointment yesterday, all was going well until she went to measure me I'm only measuring 29weeks and she thought baby was breech, told her that since I saw her at 28 weeks I have been in hospital, had prem labour stopped and a growth scan, she asked me how baby was during the scan at 28 weeks and I told her that he was measuring 27weeks, which the hospital wasn't too worried about that, they were more worried about me going back into labour, so she asked about my contractions etc and i said they were still coming every day on and off but were not always as painful. At that point she decided to call the hospital and refer for another growth scan just to check baby and make sure there was no signs of him being distressed by my contractions.
Just before I left her she made my 36 week appointment, in her own words "Just in case you are still pregnant" lol! As I was walking out she received a message from the hospital saying that they had some appointments free that day and that they would call me to arrange for me to go in.

I got the call at 10:40am to book me in for 11:30am for my scan.
So off we went to the appointment as soon as we walked into the ANC I heard my name called and I had thought we still had 5 min before the appointment! Anyway we went into the scan room and went through the usual introductions to the sonographer and what she would be looking soon as she started the scan she asked if we knew whether we were having a boy or girl and if not did we want to know I said that we had bee told we were having another boy and the look of relief on her face was hysterical coz as she had asked he had moved and given us a full view of everything there is no mistaking he is definately a boy!!!!
He is currently head down but lying slightly at an angle with his feet near his head but more to my right side, and looking out towards my front.
She took all his measurements etc and said that they weren't too worried but he is on the small side even for a 31weeker but there is plenty of fluid surrounding him and he seems happy and healthy and at an estimate he is weighing in at around 3lb 12oz at the moment.

I have another appointment for a growth scan and consultant appointment at 35 weeks on the 1st of November so hopefully I won't start my labour before that and the consultant will be able to give me more of an idea what is happening and what to expect ie. whether they will still allow me my VBAC or whether i'm looking at a C-Section.

As I have been sat here typing I have had another couple of contractions and my DH has made me a cup of tea so I'm off to pick the kids up from school and drink my cuppa, might take a nap in a bit and have a nice relaxing bath after dinner x

See you all in a bit xxx
That's great news :yay:

I really feel for the girls with stupid MWs that make comments about positioning then dont follow up with a scan...i remember being told in my first pregnancy that bubs was transverse lie. didnt get a scan at first, then eventually they did and bubs was head down :dohh:

Its really good that they have checked you over and put your mind at rest...maybe he is due a wee growth spurt and at the next scan he will be measuring just fine ;-) x
That's really good news about scan!! We've had same thing with baby being really small, not growing at all for a couple of weeks, then having a tiny growth spurt. At the minute s/he is on the very bottom line, but I keep reading stories of people who are told at scans they have a tiny baby - and then when baby is born s/he is quite big!! There's only so much they can tell from scans I long as bubs has lots of fluid and looks happy and healthy, that's the main thing!! :) Really good news hun!! Wonder if the contractions you're having now will lead to anything?! Keep us updated!! xx
i was told that my 6 year old wasn't going to be much over 3lb 13oz at 34weeks and he was 4lb 1oz when he was delivered, am keeping an eye on the contractions especially seeing as i've been getting more and more weird dreams over the last night about having him in the bath at home and things like that and also a lot of sensations around my cervix almost as if he is trying to push his way out x
Glad they are checking up on you, sounds like he is growing and hanging in there for now, tomorow send DH to get the kids and you maje the cuppa and put your feet up!!!
i only went to pick up kids today because i had someone coming round to collect our dishwasher and obviously i'm not allowed to lift it lol

but yeah it is his turn to collect kids tomorrow lol xx
Sounds like youre getting good care and everything seems to be ok. Hope little one stays in there for a few more weeks.

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