MW meeting


Well-Known Member
May 30, 2008
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just had a bit of a shitty MW meeting. didn't see the MW i usually see, and the woman i did see was a bit... moody, and proper ignored my OH, which i hate!
anyway, she measured me & bubs has only grown a centimetre in 2 weeks! i've been on the bold line thing on the growth chart everyweek, but now i'm a little bit under. she said it's fine, but didn't really give me chance to ask any questions. is it ok?

also, how often do you ladies see your MW's now? i'm still only seeing mine every fortnight, but my mum said it should be weekly by now :think:

annnnd! the MW said he was 'head down & ready' does that mean he's engaged? or just about to? i've been getting pains in my cervix for weeks, and he's been head down for ages.
sorry about ur rubbish app chick..
i only see my midwife fornightly still..

it was 4weeks, then at about 32weeks it was 3weeks, then only resently every 2weeks, i really would feel better weekly..

if you want to be weekly maybe suggest it too her?

on your notes did she write postition of baby, ceph anything like that, and 3/5's 2/5's or free anything like that?
my (step in middy is actually better than mine lol)..

sorry not much help xx
she's written ceph (which means head down, right?) and then 'free' under engagement, i guess that means he's not then?

edit: just looked at last appointment & middy wrote 'brim' under engagement. what does that mean?
hey chick sorry for late reply i just got stuck in the bath "oh dear" lol :oops:

ok Free and ceph means hes head down, but most (if not all) the head is above the pubic bone, (when she felt, she can move his head around basically)

and Brim, means his head is resting on brim of pelvis, maybe tiny bit more than free, but same really, i wouldnt worry about babys head being engaged, as i was free, then 3/5ths then free, then after car accident i went to 2/5ths.. (the day after he was "free") hospital said it had nothing to do with accident just happened over nite..

you could go from free to engaged at birth..

hope ur ok xxx
Its such a shame when we have to see different midwifes or docs as you get used to the ones you see at the start. Im still only seeing mine fourtnightly (appointment tomorrow). A word of warning about the whole engagement thing.. i learnt that midwifes can do it both ways. I thought mine was 2/5 engaged and right at the bottom but it turns out thats nearer the top.

All very confusing, but head down is good either way!

Claire x
My MW says 3/5ths 'palpable' which means 2/5ths in the pelvis and the rest out. My LO has been 3/5ths palpable for the last 4 weeks and my due date's today... hmm. I'd quite the whole of my LO to be palpable BY ME but think I need to be patient :)
Sorry you had a crappy app! :hug:
I see my MW every two weeks and will do until Im due! With my others they saw me weekly for the last 3-4 weeks but they changed it here now!
I dont have a chart! :? I want one! lol I want to be put on a chart and see where I am lol!
I wouldnt worry about being a little under this time hun as it was a different women and she may measure differently kwim!? When you go back, if your usual MW says your a little under then ask about it! But I bet its all the same just different MW do things differently! :hug:
you don't have a growth chart in your notes? :?
i took a picture of mine, to show someone else, so i'll show you lot too, lol:


is the top line a bigger baby, bottom line smaller, everything inbetween ok?
I dont have a chart either i don think. If I do it doesnt get used. Ill have a search when im upstairs later
I have that chart, and Ive been all along top line. This is normal as it measures exactly to how many weeks I am. She said she will allow 2cm either way before worrying about growth scans. Some MW measure you differently too, so your next appointment may be differnet again :hug:
Awww I wanna chart!!! :evil: heehee thats liek the chart you get when you have baby and they measure them! I love them charts! :D
Wonder why I didnt get a chart in my notes? :think: Then again I didnt with my others in the other hospital!?
Awww I wanna chart!!! :evil: heehee thats like the chart you get when you have baby and they measure them! I love them charts! :D
Wonder why I didnt get a chart in my notes? :think: Then again I didnt with my others in the other hospital!?
I don't have a chart - and don't think I will either, they don't seem to use them here. :?

Also my MW appointments have just gone from every 4 weeks to every 3 weeks until 40 weeks and then they will see me weekly if I go overdue apparently! :roll: I thought this was shocking until I was told you get even less appointments if it's not your first! :eek:

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