I had my 38 week MW appointment booked for 1:45 this afternoon and at 12 I decided to have a shower and get myself ready. I literally JUST stepped out of the shower when the phone rang and I JUST managed to get a towel wrapped around me and get to the phone in time to find it was my MW on the other end saying she was on my estate and wanted to nip round and drop off my home birth pack and do my antenatal appointment while she was here
I did manage to dry myself and throw my jammies on before she knocked on the door but I was far from decent!! Poor woman will be scarred for like.....seeing me without my makeup on and with a towel still wrapped around my hair!
She did my appointment and all is well, baby still measuring big but last weeks scan meant that homebirth was fine to go ahead.
She's dropped off my homebirth pack.......it looks like a paramedic's bag of stuff, I'm too scared to look in it for fear of what I might find in there
She has said that there's a pethadine prescription waiting for me at the docs to collect when I want so I've got it at home if I want it. The only thing she did say is that because I've got a pool I need to have two birth partners so I can be lifted out if I pass out while I'm in there.........think I'd need a ruddy fork lift truck
It does mean that I've asked my mum and now she's going to be my birth partner too
all I need if for baby to hurry up and come out

I did manage to dry myself and throw my jammies on before she knocked on the door but I was far from decent!! Poor woman will be scarred for like.....seeing me without my makeup on and with a towel still wrapped around my hair!

She did my appointment and all is well, baby still measuring big but last weeks scan meant that homebirth was fine to go ahead.
She's dropped off my homebirth pack.......it looks like a paramedic's bag of stuff, I'm too scared to look in it for fear of what I might find in there

all I need if for baby to hurry up and come out