MW Appointment


Well-Known Member
Dec 30, 2007
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Well, it didn't go at all as planned.. :(

She's OP which means she's totally spine to spine and she still isn't engaged :wall:

I said I was thinking about declining an induction and they were NOT understanding at all. Told me about the risks and effect on Evie if I declined the induction etc. They have given me ONE extra day :doh: So, I'll be induced on 6th Sept which is 15 days overdue :roll: What is the point in one extra day?!

They reckon there MIGHT be something wrong with my pelvis and that it's not big enough for her head to fit into (nothing to do with the size of her head, it's the shape and size of my pelvis) hence why she hasn't been engaged at all (yes, they said it was unlikely that Evie was engaged at all at my 38 week appointment and that the MW probaby got it wrong.)

So, Thursday 4th Sept I have to go in, see a consultant and they're going to scan my pelvis and check the measurements to see what is going on in there. If Evie IS engaged, then they will do a sweep, but if she isn't and there is something wrong with my pelvis, it will be a C-section Saturday morning (6th Sept).

I am totally deflated :( I just feel like absolute shit, I really do.

On the plus side (yes, there is one!) I asked her what the chances are that I'll go into labour naturally, she said that my body is just as likely as anyone else to go into labour naturally, so totally possible! But, as soon as it starts, I'm to go in straight away because if the pelvis thing is right, there is physically no way she will be able to pass down the vaginal canal so they'd have to get her out via a section.

The pelvis thing isn't definite, just a theory at the moment - Will find out Thurs.

PLEASE pray for labour soon for me! I am not impatient AT ALL about meeting her, I'm absolutely fine about being overdue, I just reeeeeally want to try and do things normally :( :pray:

I hope your hips are ok hun and she will be able to come out naterally but hey if she cant then dont worry too much!! :hug: :hug: :hug:
Hey at least you wont have to worry about the Wizards sleeve!? heehee
Just trying to cheer you up hun! :hug:
I think now you have the date booked she will come soon! Its Sod'd law isnt it!?
So YAY anyways! By the 6th September you will have Evie!! :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: Im so excited!
:( Aww hun, I hope you have a big pelvis - I've never said that to anyone before :D

As the MW said there is no reason you can't go into labour naturally so fingers crossed :pray:
Will be keeping everything crossed for you hun but most important thing is they get Evie out safely and look after you too :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
:hug: Sorry to hear the appointment didn't go as well as you had hoped. Fingers crossed for you the pelvis theory is wrong but try not to worry if it isn't, little Evie will be here within the next couple of weeks either way :cheer:
My mum, aunt and gran all had the wrong shape pelvis and had to have sections. It plays in the back of my mind whether it's a feature I've got too but guess only time will tell.
Take care of yourself and keeping everything crossed for you that things will kick off naturally very soon!

Sarah x
:hug: Dont let it worry you, your body knows what to do and if there is a problem, the hospital staff will know what to do so either way it will all work out fine. You will be meeting Evie very soon and I'm sure you wont make it to 15 days overdue. xx
Sorry you are feeling so down about it, not that I blame you. Sending lots of :hug: :hug: :hug: 's. Like the others have said, at least you have a date to work towards. Try not to get too stressed. xx
:( sorry to hear things didnt go as u wanted
just think in 2weeks time u will have ur little daughter in your arms safe and sound no matter how the little devil comes!
hope ur pelvis is fine and u go into labour quick, but if it is a pelvic problem at least they are on to it and they wont find out in the later stages of labour xx
Awww Dannii :hug: I'm sorry it didn't go too well for you. Like the others have said, at least you know the hospital will look after you if there are any problems at all, and you'll defo have little Evie in your arms by next Saturday - which is hugely exciting, eh? :)

Poor love :hug:
dont give up hope hun that one extra day made all the difference for me :)
i went into labour on the morning of my induction and i showed no signs of going into labour atall in the days leading up to it, it just happened
:hug: :hug:
Sorry things didn't go as you had hoped.

As somebody else has mentioned though, if it is a problem with the size of your pelvis it's much better to find out before you go into labour naturally.

I really don't want a c-section which is looking likely for me but I try and put things into perspective and remind myself that as long as baby is delivered safely that is all that matters. :hug: :hug:
:hug: :hug: :hug: sorry to hear things arent going as you would like... but just think, it wont be long now until you meet your little girl! im so excited for you!
hope you go into labour soon dannii and its natural .. but whatever happens hope evie comes out the way which is safest for her and you - either section or natural...but sending labour dust your way... :hug:
Hi Dannii,

Sorry to hear you are feeling like s**t. I can totally relate to your strong desire to do things naturally... here is hoping that the theory is wrong, and that labour starts for you soon.

Fingers crossed and thinking of you. :hug:

Aw hun, I can understand how you feel. I really hope that pelvic scan shows everything's ok. :pray:
Aww hon im so sorry ur not feeling good about the decision, feel rubbish now whinging about them saying my baby is big when things are going in the right direction for you...

I say never and what will be will be...

Please try and keep the thought of meeting little Evie as the highest thought in your mind and no matter how she gets here we'l be here for support...

:hug: :hug:
Hi Dannii,

Really sorry to hear about the mw appointment. I really hope you haven't got a problem with your pelvis; try not to worry about it too much - it hasn't been confirmed yet. Just keep telling yourself, as someone else has already said, the most important thing is that your little girl arrives safely, and it really doesn't matter if this happens to be by c/section - they really aren't that bad, and you get to miss out on some rather unpleasant aspects of labour!!!

All the very best, will be watching this space. :hug:

PS: One extra day can make a big difference - it did for me!!!
ive got everything crossed for you and hope they are wrong :hug:

None of this waiting will matter when she's here and you'll forget about it. You've still got time for it to happen naturally and it doesn't really matter how she gets here as long as she does.
dannii87 said:
Well, it didn't go at all as planned.. :(

She's OP which means she's totally spine to spine and she still isn't engaged :wall:

I said I was thinking about declining an induction and they were NOT understanding at all. Told me about the risks and effect on Evie if I declined the induction etc. They have given me ONE extra day :doh: So, I'll be induced on 6th Sept which is 15 days overdue :roll: What is the point in one extra day?!

They reckon there MIGHT be something wrong with my pelvis and that it's not big enough for her head to fit into (nothing to do with the size of her head, it's the shape and size of my pelvis) hence why she hasn't been engaged at all (yes, they said it was unlikely that Evie was engaged at all at my 38 week appointment and that the MW probaby got it wrong.)

So, Thursday 4th Sept I have to go in, see a consultant and they're going to scan my pelvis and check the measurements to see what is going on in there. If Evie IS engaged, then they will do a sweep, but if she isn't and there is something wrong with my pelvis, it will be a C-section Saturday morning (6th Sept).

I am totally deflated :( I just feel like absolute sh*t, I really do.

On the plus side (yes, there is one!) I asked her what the chances are that I'll go into labour naturally, she said that my body is just as likely as anyone else to go into labour naturally, so totally possible! But, as soon as it starts, I'm to go in straight away because if the pelvis thing is right, there is physically no way she will be able to pass down the vaginal canal so they'd have to get her out via a section.

The pelvis thing isn't definite, just a theory at the moment - Will find out Thurs.

PLEASE pray for labour soon for me! I am not impatient AT ALL about meeting her, I'm absolutely fine about being overdue, I just reeeeeally want to try and do things normally :( :pray:


Oh Dannii :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
They always say there 'might' be a prob with the pelvis when babies dont engage hunni. Evie prob was engaged last week and Evie has just popped back out. The same thing happened with James, engaged/not engaged/engaged/not engaged. He couldnt make up his mind :lol: My Mum went nearly 3weeks overdue with me and I didnt engage until she was in full bown labour and there was absolutely nothing wrong with her pelvis.

I think they say these things to offer some sort of explanation and they are ALWAYS overly cautious. They have to be to cover their asses but they dont realise how much they make us worry. Its the same with estimating big babies. Midwives always say ooo we think there may be a problem, or you are measuring very large for dates - send you to a million scans (which btw cant tell shit!) then out pops a teeny babba! Its a load of rubbish.

You'll be fine sweetie :hug: :hug: :hug:

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