

Well-Known Member
Dec 10, 2009
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I'm exhausted :(

C hasn't slept properly ever since he started teething about 4 months ago, and it's actually starting to drive me insane with tiredness :( he goes down at 7pm no bother at all but then wakes every 2 hours until 5am when he absolutely refuses to go back to sleep.

I'm sure it's not doing him any good, and I've tried different dinner times, earlier / later baths, massage, different sleeping bags, blankets instead of bags, nightlight, no nighlight, blackout blinds up and down, I've tried leaving him for a little while before resettling, going o him straightaway, and now I've run out of things to try :(

I *think* it's to do with teething, but he's also just started standing and crawling, so it doesn't help that he wants to bounce around in his cot all the time. I can't stop him doing that anyway tho.

Any advice? Seriously I'm going mental, this morning I poured orange juice in my coffee instead of milk!!
Lmao at the coffee. No advice, but if u find any send it my way. Were the same x
Sorry no advice either :( but I don't know how you're coping on so little sleep! Do you have a hv you could ask for advice?

Sorry no advice either :( but I don't know how you're coping on so little sleep! Do you have a hv you could ask for advice?

I'm not really coping any more, I have to have a nap whenever LO does and it's messing up my entire day, the house is a tip, dinner is always cooked late and thngs with OH are awful ATM because we're snapping at each other the whole time :(

Oh and hv is uber useless, she's always off with stress, don't think i've seen the same one twice yet!
Im not as bad as you sorry but Herbie has been the same for the last 3 nights, he's sitting up , standing up, rolls over and bangs his head and just moans,
He is still going at the same time fine but just not staying like he was before,
I've just put it down to teething I took calpol and bongela up last night and he stayed till 7am
But I was still up throughout the night.
Ah I would love to know the answer to this question. I haven't had a whole nights uninterrupted sleep since the 2nd trimester!

Sleep deprevation is a killer... I am slowly going insane, can't follow conversations, forget mid-sentence what I was talking about and get so dizzy some days I feel like I'm gonna fall flat on my face.

Some days are better than others but I can't wait for the day I wake up naturally!!
Oh inky, I remember us talking about this a few months ago. I can imagine how tired you are, everything is so much harder when you haven't had sleep! I really don't know what to suggest? Does he have a dummy or a teddy he has on bed (I'm about to start another thread about this) for comfort?

What does he do when he wakes? Do you need to lift him or does he just go back to sleep? X

we're the same, every 1-2 hours through the night, yaaaaaaawwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwn! I have a really short fuse today too, and I feel bad I just want to shout at him when he whinges!!!
Emily went through a stage of doing that and I was picking her up. I decided to stop as I knew she had had calpol, not hungry/thirsty etc and was still tired. It took about 2 night and she was back to normal. Its hard because how do we know when its not teething and just the habit if waking up and being comforted?! It's so difficult isn't it? X

If u think its teething do u mean because of the pain? Quite s few girls ob here have tried amber necklaces/bracelets and highly recommend them.there us a thread somewhere about them.

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yeah Im trying the controlled crying thing but sometimes Im so tired Im half asleep and getting up to him before I realise what Im doing. Im so conscious that OH isnt feeling well and leaves the house at 7.30 for work, hes so run down Im worried about him so I dont want LO screaming, plus if OH gets up to him we're all doomed cos LO thinks its playtime whenever he sees his daddy :doh:
I dont understand the amber necklace thing, how does it work?
I had been giving calpol in case he was in pain but it wasn't making any difference, and I didn't want him to have it if it wasn't going to help anyway. I did think about an Amber necklace but made the mistake of mentioning it to OH when I should have just bought one anyway, he didn't like the idea of his boy wearing a necklace lol. Perhaps I'll just gt one anyway, I don't listen to OH anyway and if it can't hurt to try :)

Erin - C has a dummy which he always spits out just as he's nodding off, so I don't put it back in. He does have a teddy in his cot but doesn't show any interest really! And yes, it's been going on for months now :(
I think Ms dummy might be causing our sleep problems. I read a book recently about how it stops them learning how to fall asleep (without a dummy) so when they wake at the end of a sleep cycle, they dont drift back into another cycle, hence waking every few hours.

Im currently listening to LO scream, and feeling the GUILT! I just need him to go to sleep!
I really feel for you. I can't cope well at all on little sleep. I'm lucky in the fact that rob gets up alot, gets her milk etc. I tell him it's because he's nearest the door, lol!

Maybe your last option would be to try controlled crying? As I say, it helped for me but it's not for everyone x

yeah Im trying the controlled crying thing but sometimes Im so tired Im half asleep and getting up to him before I realise what Im doing. Im so conscious that OH isnt feeling well and leaves the house at 7.30 for work, hes so run down Im worried about him so I dont want LO screaming, plus if OH gets up to him we're all doomed cos LO thinks its playtime whenever he sees his daddy :doh:

We're the same, daddy means playtime so nighttimes are all mine :(

I do hear controlled crying works well but it just doesn't sit well with me. I know you have work and things now tho so I really do hope it works for you, at least I can have a snooze during the day, don't know what I'd do otherwise!
I think Ms dummy might be causing our sleep problems. I read a book recently about how it stops them learning how to fall asleep (without a dummy) so when they wake at the end of a sleep cycle, they dont drift back into another cycle, hence waking every few hours.

Im currently listening to LO scream, and feeling the GUILT! I just need him to go to sleep!

Don't feel guilty tiny. Crying doesn't do them any harm. As long as you know you can't do anymore to make them comfy. It's a tough one.

I've just put Emily down and she's asleep but I can hear her breathing because she has a cold :-(

morgan has a cold today too, its horrible isnt it :( the dummys got to go the more I think about it, hes struggling to use it cos he cant breathe through his nose but he suddenly became so dependant on it for the last month tofall asleep. Until he was about 5 months old i was really strict not letting him have it at night time, then I used it when he woke up to resetlle him but not at bedtime IYSWIM. Im not sure how/when it started that he was being given a dummy at bedtime, but now its ridiculous.
Oh dear...I hope E and M feel better soon!

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