

Well-Known Member
Dec 21, 2011
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I think my little girl is a music fan!

watching Glee last night ( sad ) but i Love it! They did a Whitney Houston Episode.

Was laying on my back to find that when the songs came on she moved like mad, my belly was all over the place and my OH looked freaked out by it lol Bless him, i kept giggling!

Think it is one of them things as a mummy that when my LO is here ill miss feeling

Ah so cute!!

My baby loves music too! Particularly Michael Jackson. I'm convinced she tries to moonwalk when she hears him lol.
She also loves the proclaimers '500 miles' lol.

Anytime I play her that music she goes bonkers, my belly moves around like mad! Its so cute! X

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It is so cute! I too love music, have done all my life i probably sang before i could talk! i am forever singing to her lol... just last night was the first time i had seen her move so quickly for so long lol

I love that feeling though

I'm sat here playin music on my laptop to see if she wakes up lol! She seems to move alot more at night, or when OH is around the little bugger!! x
I'm sat here playin music on my laptop to see if she wakes up lol! She seems to move alot more at night, or when OH is around the little bugger!! x

Lol mine moves when DH talks to her! Its so cute and he's well chuffed by it. She kicks him in the head and he loves it lol x

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Awww! She goes mad for him, proper boots his hand when he feels! He taps his fingers on my belly, and she kicks back :D

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