Mums with more then 1


Well-Known Member
Dec 14, 2009
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I was wondering what weeks did you have your little ones? and did 2nd ones come earlier or later?

My daughter was 1 week late born at 41weeks exactly! Just wondering what my chances are of having little man before my due date :) x
I was induced both times, with my daughter at 39+3 and with twins at 35+2, if i wasn't induced i think i'd go overdue even with twins :)
first was born at 42+4
second was born at 42+1
third was born at 41+3
Number 1 42 + 2 and induced
number 2 41 + 3 and came after a sweep
number 3 37 + 5 and induced due to waters breaking and no labour starting within 3 days :O
Sam was 11 days late by hospital dates and 5 days late by mine. I had to be induced with Toby and he was 2 weeks late x
I cant be much help but wanted to add :)

First was 40+1 but i used castor oil to start labour, so no idea how late she would have been, if i could turn back the clock and wait i so would.
Second was 11 days early but elective c-section as 1st ended in a emergency section.
1st 1 week early 39wk
2nd due date baby 40wk
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both my boys came at exactly the same time 39+4weeks :)

My first was natural.
My second was due to be born by section at 39+5 but he decided to make an early entrance at 39+4 by emergency section :)
I keep wondering this! Lacey was born 2days late so I'm hoping this one comes early!
Mine were a month minus like a day late so 43+6 and ended up with emergency section :shock: and my second labour started on due date but was drawn out n had him three days later x

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My first was 10 days over and induced. #2 was 2 days after her EDD (spontaneous labour) and #3 was 3 days after but interestingly both 2 and 3 were on time by my dates and the EDDs were by the scans....
Both mine were spot on 6 weeks prem, so never got to the normal stages of late pregnancy.
K was 10 days late, although i went into labour the day before! and E was bang on time!!
Iv got a feeling Little mans gonna be here this weekend if not then on his due date. But still got another feeling hes gonna be late lol x
both mine where 40+5 so would be shocked if this one comes early, but will be mad if I go more then five days over due lol. My mum laughs at me cos I tell ppl im due 22nd sept but I go 5 days over due she keeps telling me i could go ether way this time she wouldnt just sick with that.

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