Mums with 2 kids, advice on helping them get on better


Well-Known Member
Dec 11, 2005
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I was hoping someone could help.

Usually im quite good at finding solutions to things or being quite laid back and not letting it bother me but this has me stumped.

Jessica is very mild mannered and quite tolerant of Joe but doesnt really want to play with him. She is just over 3.
Joe is 13 months and wants to do whatever she is doing, play with whatever she is playing with and in general is being a nuisance to her.

How do I overcome this reluctance on his part to not snatch her stuff and. Its more his doing than hers but Im worried he will push her too far.

Joe just doesnt seem interested in anything other than what she has at the time and Jess isnt old enough to understand its just what babies do.

I have a gate on the living room door for the sole purpose of Jess being able to play on the floor sometimes without interferance. But that means Im usually in a different room from one of them at any one time. Its jess I really feel for as it seems as though he is allowed to get her stuff but its a difficult one, one of them is going to end up the loser.

I hope I have explained this properly. I feel Im going about this all wrong and hopefully someone will have some good advice.
i have the same problem with mine Willow is almost 3 and Conal almost 1, she doesn't really like him if i'm totally honest :oops: he's not crawling yet so we don't have as mich of a problem but i try to get her to give him sone part of what she is playing with, if she is playing with her till then he can have some play food if she has a book he has a differnt one, it's been quite frustrating but she is gradually getting better today she let him have one of her dolls while she had another one :lol:

I think it is just a matter of patience till the baby is big enough to play properly or at least i am hoping it is :pray:

Thanks, you seem to be in the same boat.

Im at a loss.
it's so hard not to make her play with him isn't it? my dh keeps telling me off for making her include him but he just seems so dissapointed when she ignores him, it will proboly get better for a couple of years till they become teenagers and then they will hate each other again :roll:

At least we have something to look forward to :lol:

aww must be normal :( surely they will outgrow it :hug:
hun iam having the same problems, but Alastair has stared biting Sophie :shock:

i feel so sorry for Sophie cos all the time its Sophie please gave Alastair one of ur toys, its hard trying to teach a 3yr old about sharing when she has a little monster keep coming over and nicking her toys!!!

Dont know what the answer is :?
My bro & I didn't get on until I left home to go to uni! lol!
My eldest two are 6 and 7, they seem to constantly argue, fight and bicker. On occasion they can play so well together, but more often than not they fight. Drives me insane! They are jut so different but both have fiery tempers. I dont think you can make them get on, whats tht old saying?............. you can choose your friends!! I hope one day they will be best mates like me and my two.
EllieG said:
My eldest two are 6 and 7, they seem to constantly argue, fight and bicker. On occasion they can play so well together, but more often than not they fight. Drives me insane! They are jut so different but both have fiery tempers. I dont think you can make them get on, whats tht old saying?............. you can choose your friends!! I hope one day they will be best mates like me and my two.

Thanks Ellie, this seems like a no win.

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