Mums-to-be needed


Oct 18, 2011
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I am currently doing some market research on future mums about how pregnancy has changed their lives for the better.

It will be in relation to quitting bad habits, eating healthier and exercise.

If anyone would be kind enough to help with this, if you could reply back on this forum with an answer to the following questions:

· What is your name and where are you from?
· How many months are you pregnant?
· Did you have any bad habits before you became pregnant?
· What did you change in your life when you became pregnant?

Thank you so much


I am Leanne from Eastbourne, East Sussex
I am four months 2 days pregnant
I was a drinker and smoker before being pregnant, was on a slimming world diet and did alot more exercise
I have given up the fags and booze. lol. I eat what I fancy which is a limited amount of food and I can't exercise as the pregnancy has made the psoriatic arthritis I suffer with ALOT worse I also have SPD now so in even more pain. xx

I'm Lucy from Leicester
I am 6 months pregnant
I was a drinker and smoker before being pregnant and had been a member of Weight Watchers for aorund two years and excercised around once/twice a week.
Since becoming pregnant i have given up smoking and drinking and i'm hoping to not smoke again when the baby is born and definatly not drink as much, i still try to follow the basic principles of weight watchers but i have been eating more than i usually would and i cant resist the temptation of choclate anymore!
· I am Eva from Norway, living in Portsmouth
· I am 5 months pregnant
· I've always had a crazy sweet tooth and class myself as a chocoholic
· I eat a lot less sweets now than before and choose fruit, yoghurt et instead of candy, ice cream and chocolate.
I still indulge, but a lot less frequent. Knowing that my baby will benefit from me eating better makes it a lot easier to step away from the chocolate bar and make healthier choices.
Hi im Becky living in Leeds,
I'm six month Pregnant,
I binge drunk on a weekend and i was very unhealthy,
Since becoming pregnant i have stopped drinking and lost all appitite for the first 5 month so lost some weight, also craved a lot of fruit so i think im eating better. Honestly tho don't think the eating/ drinking habbits will stay with me once LO is here.
hey i'm katie i'm 22 from halesowen in the westmidlands
i am 4 months, 1 week and 1 day pregnant
before i got pregnant i was severely overweight, had high blood pressure and was very close to having some serious health problems, i used to eat what i wanted (mainly takeaways and high fat foods) and didnt care about the consequences, i then changed my life because i was getting married i joined slimming world and a local keep fit group twice a week.
now i still eat a little bit of what i want (a takeaway every now and again) but i eat more fruit and vegetables and more healthy things, i exercise as much as i can between working full time and running a house, but it's definatley made me a better person
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