Mum's Room 101

Squirming and fighting during nappy changes. I feel like I've gone ten rounds with mike Tyson today x
Or the mid-nappy change poo.....

Thankfully I've only ever had one of those.

Unfortunately it emotionally traumatised me so much I have reminded my OH of it during every argument over who's turn it is to change our son's bum for the last 18 months!
Sleepless nights for me go in the room. Gah, its taken 14 months for my baby to sleep through!!!

And the fb mummies, the judgemental ones (who are smugly sleeping through at 6 weeks!)
Defo the 'my baby was walking in the womb' mums and nappy changes/Jammie time in my house!!
Exploding poos can definitely go in. I had one today when we were out. I could cope with exploding milk only poo bit nasty brown I've eaten solids and its exploded everywhere Poo is horrendous. It sounded like Thomas was being murdered in the disabled loo he was that unhappy and I was horrified
Exploding poos can definitely go in. I had one today when we were out. I could cope with exploding milk only poo bit nasty brown I've eaten solids and its exploded everywhere Poo is horrendous. It sounded like Thomas was being murdered in the disabled loo he was that unhappy and I was horrified

Oh no, lol, I shouldn't laugh but I couldn't help it x
Exploding poos can definitely go in. I had one today when we were out. I could cope with exploding milk only poo bit nasty brown I've eaten solids and its exploded everywhere Poo is horrendous. It sounded like Thomas was being murdered in the disabled loo he was that unhappy and I was horrified

Oh no, lol, I shouldn't laugh but I couldn't help it x

Someone needs to get some enjoyment from it lol. The worst part was when I took his trousers off and I put my finger through a big lump of it :S
Baby2sky 'shits on floor' hahaha can't wait for this! Not.

I had two exploding poos in one day and one the day before whilst having a meal out :/
Only had one poo during nappy change the day we came home from hospital ha.

Can we also put colic in room 101!! Argh
I second colic, that gave me months of hell and tears (mine and Ruby's!) x
Haha must be something about Ruby's and colic x

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