Mums of babies about 10-14months


Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2006
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Hiya all :)

As you all probably know by now im going to be amum again! Hannah, ive worked out will be between 10-11 months old when beany comes along.
But i really dont know what 10 month old babies are like. To any mums out there that have babies between 10-14 months could you let me know whats the most difficult things at this age are (on a daily routine) are the eating all solids now? whats sleep patterns like? (do they still nap in the day) how much playtime/attention is needed. Are the walking/crawling?
Is it easier or harder now then when they were younger?

I just wanna know how difficult it'll be also having a newborn in the house as well as a todler!

Hannah is also really advanced for her 4 months, already got lots of teeth, trying her best to crawl (no yet tho) control of her head/neck. Im just saying this cos i saw a 10 month old on the telly the other day and i swear that baby was the same size as hannah is now. and looked like he could not do things hannah can. (hannah is actaully classed slightly 'overweight' now' lol. she is really big.)

thanks :)
Aimee was 13 months when Nathan was born and she was in a very good routine by then. She was eating the same food as us and going to bed at 7pm every night. She had just started walking and was having one nap a day at dinner time for around an hour. The hardest thing I found about having them close together was getting out of the house. It used to take me ages, plus I had to teach Aimee shhhh at a very early age which I felt a bit mean about. The 1st couple of months I had to put Nathans moses basket in a travel cot in the livingroom to keep Aimee away from him if I was out of the room. Hes now 7 months and I can pretty much trust her with him now, Its more the other way round, Nathan has hold of her hair and won't let go and I have to go and rescue her. It is a pretty good age to have another one I think as they are a bit too young to get jealous. Sorry, I went on a bit there didn't I. :roll:
Keeley was crawlin and started to take steps between 10 and 11 months she can walk now on her own but still is wobbly sometimes.

She eats 3 meals a day along with 3 bottles and has snacks
She wakes between 6.30 /7.30 every mornin goes down for an hour and a half at 10.30
Then naps again at 2 til 4.30

I would say she needs a lot of attention even tho she wil play on her own cos she can get EVERYWHERE now i need to watch her more :lol:

I would say its a little harder than it was when she was little but its more fun plus she sleeps thru the night now too :) which is a bonus

hope that helps :hug:
I found months 8-11 to be the most challenging as baby seems to know what they want to do but can't quite do it yet, which can lead to frustration on everyone's parts! :lol:

Stanley is more mobile by the day, he's been trying to walk since 10 months, but since discovering he's quicker on his bum, progress has been slow! He wants playing with a lot, but has started to play on his own a bit more or watches TV which helps with time.

He eats whatever we eat as a family and (since his birthday) drinks cow's milk.

He'll pass the TV remote when asked so I'm sure a LO can be trained up to pass you a nappy or wipes :wink:
Minxy said:
He'll pass the TV remote when asked so I'm sure a LO can be trained up to pass you a nappy or wipes :wink:

Ha ha! Yes they can! Aimees a brilliant little helper when I'm half way through changing him and I can't find the wipes. She will put them in the bin too and get him a toy.
kellie80 said:
Minxy said:
He'll pass the TV remote when asked so I'm sure a LO can be trained up to pass you a nappy or wipes :wink:

Ha ha! Yes they can! Aimees a brilliant little helper when I'm half way through changing him and I can't find the wipes. She will put them in the bin too and get him a toy.

Awww they sound so helpful Keeley wil get the remote but then run off with it :lol:

Oh and she helps with tidying up to by putting my glasses down the loo :puke:
Harrison Is nearly 11 months now and im going to be honest i'm finding it very difficult, he wont play with any toys we have brought him he wants everything and anything else, He is crawling and walking with help from furniture & I have to watch him constantly, cannot do anything because he wants to be involved and if he's not he screams :roll: he puts everything in his mouth...the list goes on :lol: but I must admit at this age he is very comical, is always laughing and smiling and he makes my heart melt!!
He eats very well, hes on fingerfoods and has been since about 7months, he will eat a wide variety of fruit, veg and even fish!
Harrison has gone from having about 4 long naps down to 2 short ones; one in the morning after brekkie and another inbetween lunch and dinner. You'll be fine though hun :oops:
rachelandjarvis said:
Hiya all :)

As you all probably know by now im going to be amum again! Hannah, ive worked out will be between 10-11 months old when beany comes along.
But i really dont know what 10 month old babies are like. To any mums out there that have babies between 10-14 months could you let me know whats the most difficult things at this age are (on a daily routine) are the eating all solids now? whats sleep patterns like? (do they still nap in the day) how much playtime/attention is needed. Are the walking/crawling?
Is it easier or harder now then when they were younger?

I just wanna know how difficult it'll be also having a newborn in the house as well as a todler!

Hannah is also really advanced for her 4 months, already got lots of teeth, trying her best to crawl (no yet tho) control of her head/neck. Im just saying this cos i saw a 10 month old on the telly the other day and i swear that baby was the same size as hannah is now. and looked like he could not do things hannah can. (hannah is actaully classed slightly 'overweight' now' lol. she is really big.)

thanks :)

They're a nightmare. Crawling or toddling and eating and touching anything they can lay their hands on. Get stairgates and cupboard locks.
budge said:
rachelandjarvis said:
Hiya all :)

As you all probably know by now im going to be amum again! Hannah, ive worked out will be between 10-11 months old when beany comes along.
But i really dont know what 10 month old babies are like. To any mums out there that have babies between 10-14 months could you let me know whats the most difficult things at this age are (on a daily routine) are the eating all solids now? whats sleep patterns like? (do they still nap in the day) how much playtime/attention is needed. Are the walking/crawling?
Is it easier or harder now then when they were younger?

I just wanna know how difficult it'll be also having a newborn in the house as well as a todler!

Hannah is also really advanced for her 4 months, already got lots of teeth, trying her best to crawl (no yet tho) control of her head/neck. Im just saying this cos i saw a 10 month old on the telly the other day and i swear that baby was the same size as hannah is now. and looked like he could not do things hannah can. (hannah is actaully classed slightly 'overweight' now' lol. she is really big.)

thanks :)

They're a nightmare. Crawling or toddling and eating and touching anything they can lay their hands on. Get stairgates and cupboard locks.

:cry: :cry:
what am i doing!?!
Aww you'll be fine :hug:

It was quite an easy age for Brody, I made my lounge very very safe, like a big playpen really and he just kind of made a big mess all day. He liked to look through books with me and sing, things you could easily do with a baby around.

At that age they can crawl/pull themselves up and usually walk.

Brody has a 2 hour nap even now.

Don't forget you'll always be able to go out for a walk to the park or somewhere to keep them entertained too.
rachelandjarvis said:
budge said:
rachelandjarvis said:
Hiya all :)

As you all probably know by now im going to be amum again! Hannah, ive worked out will be between 10-11 months old when beany comes along.
But i really dont know what 10 month old babies are like. To any mums out there that have babies between 10-14 months could you let me know whats the most difficult things at this age are (on a daily routine) are the eating all solids now? whats sleep patterns like? (do they still nap in the day) how much playtime/attention is needed. Are the walking/crawling?
Is it easier or harder now then when they were younger?

I just wanna know how difficult it'll be also having a newborn in the house as well as a todler!

Hannah is also really advanced for her 4 months, already got lots of teeth, trying her best to crawl (no yet tho) control of her head/neck. Im just saying this cos i saw a 10 month old on the telly the other day and i swear that baby was the same size as hannah is now. and looked like he could not do things hannah can. (hannah is actaully classed slightly 'overweight' now' lol. she is really big.)

thanks :)

They're a nightmare. Crawling or toddling and eating and touching anything they can lay their hands on. Get stairgates and cupboard locks.

:cry: :cry:
what am i doing!?!

you'll be fine. its not the end of the world. I had two with a small age gap (15 months) And its a lot easier than a 3 or 4 year gap let me tell you.

Pull yourself together and think positive. Whats done is done and you will HAVE to cope and you WILL :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

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