Mums' Anger At Shrek Appeal

this happened when we went on sunday and it frightened paris
I don;t think it should be on kids films.

Our children are scared enough of the world as it is :(

It's not like you can distract them from it either at a cinema... maybe on adult films (12 / 15+) but def not PG and family films. IMO
This really bugs me, it shouldn't have been shown on something directed at children. Especially not without a pre warning for the parents first!!
It totally takes away the parents/guardians right to choose what their child is exposed to!! :x
I suppose that they chose the film because of its popularity and world-wide audience, plus it is a favourite among children AND adults. If it helps find maddie then im all for it, its worth a few minutes of having to explain it to your safe, protected child for that isnt it?

Not being funny, I just think its a great idea and they chose the right film for worldwide exposure.
No they shouldnt show it right before a childrens film, I was quite shocked they did. LO has had it rammed down his throat enough about this little girl, without going to watch a kid friendly movie and having it shown there.

Just my opinion :)
I personally thought it was a good idea on sunday when i saw it.

However i can understand parents point of view, but then maybe a child should be made aware of this and maybe they could be more aware of strangers

mum2be? said:
I personally thought it was a good idea on sunday when i saw it.

However i can understand parents point of view, but then maybe a child should be made aware of this and maybe they could be more aware of strangers


I'm sure every child has already heard about madeleine by now, I know my LO has, theres even an advert on the tv about it, it was constantly on the news, in papers, posters everywhere...

So I imagine most kids are aware of this.
i have mixed opinion. it should be shown but i think not before PG films and definately not without a warning. the parents should have been told before going in to see the film that there would be a short appeal for madelaine. my daughter doesnt know about madelaine and i dont intend on explaining it to her she is too young. i have warned her about holding my hand in public and tried to explain about not talking to strangers which she gets to a certain point but i dont believe that telling my 4yr old about a girl who was taken and her mum and dad will probably never see her again will help. it will just scare her and will also confuse her. if she was 3/4 yrs older then it would be a different story but she doesnt need to know details right now, she is too young.

I told my 5 year old niece about it

she kept running out of the halifax bank

I sed oi
stay with me u else u might get stolen like madenline mcann

so she started askin questions i told her and now she wont ever run off
I like the idea in principle but I can understand why mums of small children would feel angry. When we went to see shrek most of the kids were fidgiting/talking/eating etc and werent paying much attention as I think there had been about 25 mins of adverts at that point. Maybe they should continue but only for 12 + certification.
To be honest i dont see what the problem is. There is no way u can protect children from such a thing and they should know that there r bad people out there, It might make them a bit more cautious!
Barmi_Brummeh said:
To be honest i dont see what the problem is. There is no way u can protect children from such a thing and they should know that there r bad people out there, It might make them a bit more cautious!

My thoughts exactly.
I think its a bad idea to put that kinda of thing on the begining of a film for children. :|

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